Vault API Reference

API Reference (v8.0)

The documentation for this API version is archived and may be out of date. We recommend using a newer version of the API.

For general information on Vault, refer to Vault Help.


API calls are REST calls made to a specific endpoint. The general pattern is that collections are accessed via a URL ending in a plural noun such as /documents, and to target an individual resource, append its ID or a name (e.g. /documents/42).

Vault limits the number of API calls that can be made every 5 minutes and every 24 hours. When either of these limits are reached, the API returns an API_LIMIT_EXCEEDED error message and no further calls will be processed until the next 5 minute or 24 hour period begins.

  • The default limit every 5 minutes is 2,000 calls.
  • The default limit every 24 hours is 100,000 calls.

The limits are configured on each individual vault in a domain.

HTTP Methods

To tell the API whether you are viewing, updating, or deleting the resource, make use of the HTTP verbs GET, PUT, and DELETE (respectively). To create a new resource, send a POST request to the collection's URL (e.g. /documents). The API will respond with a JSON (default) or XML document reflecting your changes. All responses will include a responseStatus with a SUCCESS, FAILURE or EXCEPTION value. For a responseStatus other than SUCCESS, an errors key/value array returned will provide additional details for the type of errors. If there are no errors the errors value will be empty or omitted. Error handling is covered in depth in the Errors section.

Supported Response Formats

Veeva Vault API supports JSON and XML response formats. To request response in a particular format use the Accept HTTP header with a value of application/json (for JSON response) or application/xml (for XML response). If Accept HTTP header is not specified the response is in JSON by default.

Alternatively query string parameter format can be included on the URL to indicate the desired format of the response. The possible values are json for response formatted as JSON and xml for response formatted as XML. The format value passed on the query string will overwrite the value in the Accept HTTP header. As with HTTP headers, JSON is the default format.

Below is the detailed information for each Veeva Vault API method, note that the string with curly braces in the endpoint URL denotes a variable value. For example, {version} in the endpoint URLs is a value returned from the Retrieve Available API Versions API call.


Authentication calls are how the user gains access to their Vault through the API. Every Vault API endpoint requires an authorization token called session ID. Applications can easily acquire a session ID for Vault users by following the steps described in the Authentication article. Vault's authentication response contains the session ID and a list of all vaults to which the user has been given access.

Once a user authenticates with Vault, all subsequent API requests must contain Authorization HTTP header containing the session ID received as part of the authentication. Alternatively, the query string parameter auth can be used instead of HTTP header Authorization. The value passed in the auth parameter will overwrite any value in the HTTP header Authorization.

Vault supports the following authentication methods:

  • Username & Password Authentication
  • SAML Single Sign-on (SSO) Authentication
  • Salesforce Delegated Authentication

Refer to the Authentication article for detailed information about each of these methods.

API Metadata

Retrieve Available API Versions

You can retrieve the list of supported API versions by sending a GET request to the /api endpoint.

For example:

$ curl -X GET -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \ 


The response contains a list of all available API versions.


    "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "values": {
        "v2.0": "https://{customer}",
        "v3.0": "https://{customer}",
        "v4.0": "https://{customer}",
        "v5.0": "https://{customer}",
        "v6.0": "https://{customer}",
        "v7.0": "https://{customer}",
        "v8.0": "https://{customer}"


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Version History

Since: v1.0

Retrieve Available API Resources

You can retrieve the available API resources by sending a GET request to the /api/{version}/metadata/objects endpoint.

For example:

$ curl -X GET -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \ 


The response contains a list of the available API resources.


    "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "values": {
        "documents": "https://{customer}",
        "users": "https://{customer}{version}/metadata/objects/users",
        "groups": "https://{customer}{version}/metadata/objects/groups",
        "securitypolicies": "https://{customer}{version}/metadata/objects/securitypolicies",
        "vobjects": "https://{customer}{version}/metadata/vobjects"


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Version History

Since: v1.0

Domain Information

Allows the Domain Admin user to retrieve all active Vault instances in the domain they manage.

Retrieve Domain Information

You can retrieve the Vault domain information by sending a GET request to the /api/{version}/objects/domain endpoint.

Note: Only Domain Admins may retrieve the list of vaults in your domain.

For example:

$ curl -X GET -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \ 


The response contains a list of Vaults accessible to the user in the Domain.

Field Description
domain_type__v the type of the domain
id the Vault instance ID
vault_name__v the Vault name
vault_status__v the Vault Status
vault_application__v the Vault application type


    "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "responseMessage": "Success",
    "domain__v": {
        "domain_name__v": "",
        "domain_type__v": "Sandbox",
        "vaults__v": [
                "id": "4621",
                "vault_name__v": "Customer Promos",
                "vault_status__v": "Active",
                "vault_application__v": "PromoMats"
                "id": "5091",
                "vault_name__v": "Customer eTMF",
                "vault_status__v": "Active",
                "vault_application__v": "eTMF"


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Version History

Since: v7.0

Document Metadata

Vault is a very configurable system designed to reflect the business model of documents. Each Vault can have different document types, document properties, etc. The Document Metadata APIs allow you to interrogate the Vault to understand what document-based metadata is available to use.

Retrieve All Document Types

You can retrieve all document types configured in Vault by sending a GET request to the /api/{version}/metadata/objects/documents or /api/{version}/metadata/objects/documents/types endpoint.

For example:

$ curl -X GET -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \ 


The response contains a list of document types configured in Vault.

Field Description
types[n] A list of types available in Vault
label the label of the document type
value the url for the metadata of the type, use this url to get the subtypes for this type
lock the url for the lock metadata


    "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "types": [
            "label": "Promotional Piece",
            "value": "https://{CUSTOMER}"
            "label": "Reference Document",
            "value": "https://{CUSTOMER}"
            "label": "Base Document",
            "value": "https://{CUSTOMER}"
            "label": "Claim",
            "value": "https://{CUSTOMER}"
    "lock": ""


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Version History

Since: v1.0

Retrieve Document Type

You can retrieve the metadata for the document type by sending a GET request to the /api/{version}/metadata/objects/documents/types/{type} endpoint.

For example:

$ curl -X GET -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \ 


The response contains the metadata for the document type.

If the type contains subtypes in the document type hierarchy, the list of subtypes and the URLs pointing to their metadata will be included in the response.

If no subtypes exist in the document type hierarchy, the list of document properties defined for the specified type will be included in the response.

Field Description
name the public key of the specified document type
label the UI-friendly label for the specified document type
properties[n] the list of document properties that apply to the specified type
renditions[n] the list of rendition types that apply to the specified document type
relationshipTypes[n] the list of relationship types valid for the specified document type
processes[n] the list of valid processes
defaultWorkflows[n] the list of valid default Workflows valid for the specified document type
availableLifecycles[n] the list of available Lifecycles valid for the specified document type
templates[n] the list of of templates valid for the specified document type
subtypes[n] the list of subtypes configured for the specified document type

Shared Properties:
Shared properties are indicated by shared: true property metadata field. In addition, usedIn metadata field specifies the document {type}:{subtype}:{classification} where the property is currently used


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Version History

Since: v1.0

Retrieve Document Subtype

You can retrieve the metadata for the document subtype by sending a GET request to the /api/{version}/metadata/objects/documents/types/{type}/subtypes/{subtype} endpoint.

By default the properties and templates from higher in the document type hierarchy are included. To exclude, set query parameter includeInheritedFields to false.

For example:

$ curl -X GET -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \ 


The response contains the metadata for the document subtype defined for the specified type.

If the subtype contains classifications in the document type hierarchy, the list of classifications and the URLs pointing to their metadata will be included in the response

If no classifications exist in the document type hierarchy under specified subtype, the list of document properties defined for the specified subtype will be included in the response.

Field Description
name the public key of the specified document subtype
label the UI-friendly label for the specified document subtype
properties[n] the list of document properties that apply to the specified subtype
relationshipTypes[n] the list of relationship types valid for the specified document subtype
processes[n] the list of valid processes
defaultWorkflows[n] the list of valid default Workflows valid for the specified document subtype
availableLifecycles[n] the list of available Lifecycles valid for the specified document subtype
templates[n] the list of of templates valid for the specified document subtype
classifications[n] the list of classifications configured for the specified document subtype

Shared Properties:
Shared properties are indicated by shared: true property metadata field. In addition, usedIn metadata field specifies the document {type}:{subtype}:{classification} where the property is currently used


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Version History

Since: v1.0

Retrieve Document Classification

You can retrieve the metadata for the document classification by sending a GET request to the /api/{version}/metadata/objects/documents/types/{type}/subtypes/{subtype}/classifications/{classification} endpoint.

By default the properties and templates from higher in the document type hierarchy are included. To exclude, set query parameter includeInheritedFields to false.

For example:

$ curl -X GET -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \ 


The response contains the list of document properties for the document classification defined for the specified classification.

Field Description
name the public key of the specified document classification
label the UI-friendly label for the specified document classification
properties[n] the list of document properties that apply to the specified classification
relationshipTypes[n] the list of relationship types valid for the specified document classification
processes[n] the list of valid processes
defaultWorkflows[n] the list of valid default Workflows valid for the specified document classification
availableLifecycles[n] the list of available Lifecycles valid for the specified document classification
templates[n] the list of of templates valid for the specified document classification

Shared Properties:
Shared properties are indicated by shared: true property metadata field. In addition, usedIn metadata field specifies the document {type}:{subtype}:{classification} where the property is currently used


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Version History

Since: v1.0

Retrieve Document Properties

You can retrieve the metadata of all document properties by sending a GET request to the /api/{version}/metadata/objects/documents/properties endpoint.

For example:

$ curl -X GET -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \ 


The response contains the list of document properties configured across entire document type hierarchy. Formula properties are currently not returned.

Field Description
name Property name (public key)
type Property type
required Indicates if the property is required
repeating Indicates if the property is repeating
systemAttribute Indicates if the property is standard (system-managed)
editable Indicates if the property is editable
setOnCreateOnly Indicates if the property can only be set on document creation
disabled Indicates if the property is disabled
objectType Object type (for objectReference-type properties only)
label Property label
section Section in property layout where property appears
sectionPosition Property's position within the section
hidden Indicates if the property is hidden
queryable Indicates if the property is exposed in query
shared Indicates if the property is shared
usedIn Lists the other document types/subtypes/classifications where the property is used (for shared properties only)
usedIn: key key name (public key) for the document type that is using the shared property
usedIn: type Indicates whether the shared property is used by a document type, subtype, or classification
definedInType Indicates if the property is defined in a document type, subtype, or classification
definedIn Document type/subtype/classification where the property is defined
entryLabels Picklist value labels (for picklist-type properties only)
minValue Property's minimum value (for integer-type properties only)
maxValue Property's maximum value (for integer-type properties only)
length Property's maximum character length (only for some property types)
scale Number of decimal places (only number-type properties)

Shared Properties:
Shared properties are indicated by shared: true property metadata field. In addition, usedIn metadata field specifies the document {type}:{subtype}:{classification} where the property is currently used


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Version History

Since: v4.0

Retrieve Document Relationships

You can retrieve the document relationships metadata by sending a GET request to the /api/{version}/metadata/objects/documents/types/{type}/relationships endpoint.

For example:

$ curl -X GET -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \ 


The response contains the information on relationship types available for the specified document type and generic relationship properties, such as Target Document and Source Document IDs.

Field Description
properties[n] List of relationship properties that apply to all relationship types
properties: name Property name (public key)
properties: type Property type
properties: length Indicates the maximum character length of the property; some property types will always have "0" as the length
properties: editable Indicates if the property is editable
properties: queryable Indicates if the property is exposed in query
properties: required Indicates if the property is required
properties: multivalue Indicates if the property is multi-valued
properties: onCreateEditable Indicates if the property can be set only on document creation
relationshipTypes[n] List of relationships available for the specified document type, with each array item giving details for each relationship type
relationshipTypes: value Name of the relationship type
relationshipTypes: label Label of the relationship type
relationshipTypes: sourceDocVersionSpecific Indicates if the source document in the relationship is version-specific
relationshipTypes: targetDocVersionSpecific Indicates if the target document in the relationship is version-specific
relationshipTypes: system Indicates if the relationship type is standard (system-managed)
relationshipTypes: singleUse Indicates if the relationship type can only be used once for each document
relationshipTypes: targetDocumentTypes List of document types which are valid as target documents for the relationship
relationshipTypes: targetDocumentTypes: label Document type label
relationshipTypes: targetDocumentTypes: value Document type name (public key)


    "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "properties": [
            "name": "id",
            "type": "id",
            "length": 20,
            "editable": false,
            "queryable": true,
            "required": true,
            "multivalue": false,
            "onCreateEditable": false
            "name": "source_doc_id__v",
            "type": "id",
            "length": 20,
            "editable": false,
            "queryable": true,
            "required": true,
            "multivalue": false,
            "onCreateEditable": false
            "name": "source_major_version__v",
            "type": "Integer",
            "length": 10,
            "editable": false,
            "queryable": true,
            "required": false,
            "multivalue": false,
            "onCreateEditable": false
            "name": "source_minor_version__v",
            "type": "Integer",
            "length": 10,
            "editable": false,
            "queryable": true,
            "required": false,
            "multivalue": false,
            "onCreateEditable": false
            "name": "target_doc_id__v",
            "type": "id",
            "length": 20,
            "editable": false,
            "queryable": true,
            "required": true,
            "multivalue": false,
            "onCreateEditable": true
            "name": "target_major_version__v",
            "type": "Integer",
            "length": 10,
            "editable": false,
            "queryable": true,
            "required": false,
            "multivalue": false,
            "onCreateEditable": true
            "name": "target_minor_version__v",
            "type": "Integer",
            "length": 10,
            "editable": false,
            "queryable": true,
            "required": false,
            "multivalue": false,
            "onCreateEditable": true
            "name": "relationship_type__v",
            "type": "String",
            "length": 255,
            "editable": false,
            "queryable": true,
            "required": true,
            "multivalue": false,
            "onCreateEditable": true
            "name": "created_date__v",
            "type": "DateTime",
            "length": 0,
            "editable": false,
            "queryable": true,
            "required": false,
            "multivalue": false,
            "onCreateEditable": false
            "name": "created_by__v",
            "type": "ObjectReference",
            "length": 10,
            "object": "users",
            "editable": false,
            "queryable": true,
            "required": false,
            "multivalue": false,
            "onCreateEditable": false
    "relationshipTypes": [
            "value": "references__vs",
            "label": "References",
            "sourceDocVersionSpecific": true,
            "targetDocVersionSpecific": true,
            "system": true,
            "singleUse": false,
            "targetDocumentTypes": [
                    "label": "Trial Management",
                    "value": "trial_management__vs"
                    "label": "Statistics",
                    "value": "statistics__vs"
                    "label": "Third parties",
                    "value": "third_parties__vs"
            "value": "supporting_documents__vs",
            "label": "Supporting Documents",
            "sourceDocVersionSpecific": false,
            "targetDocVersionSpecific": false,
            "system": false,
            "singleUse": false,
            "targetDocumentTypes": [
                    "label": "Trial Management",
                    "value": "trial_management__vs"
                    "label": "Statistics",
                    "value": "statistics__vs"
                    "label": "Third parties",
                    "value": "third_parties__vs"
            "value": "basedon__vs",
            "label": "Based on",
            "sourceDocVersionSpecific": false,
            "targetDocVersionSpecific": true,
            "system": true,
            "singleUse": false,
            "targetDocumentTypes": [
                    "label": "Trial Management",
                    "value": "trial_management__vs"
                    "label": "Statistics",
                    "value": "statistics__vs"
                    "label": "Third parties",
                    "value": "third_parties__vs"


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Version History

Since: v3.0

Retrieve Document Lock Metadata

You can retrieve the document lock metadata by sending a GET request to the /api/{version}/metadata/objects/documents/lock endpoint.

For example:

$ curl -X GET -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \ 


The response contains the document lock metadata.

Field Description
name Property name (public key)
scope Property scope; this value is "Lock" for all properties
type Property type
required Indicates if the property is required
systemAttribute Indicates if the property is system managed/standard
editable Indicates if the property is editable
setOnCreateOnly ndicates if the property can only be set on document creation
disabled Indicates if the property is disabled
objectType Object type if property: type is set to ObjectReference
label Property label
hidden Indicates if the property is hidden


    "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "name": "lock",
    "properties": [
            "name": "locked_by__v",
            "scope": "Lock",
            "type": "ObjectReference",
            "required": true,
            "systemAttribute": true,
            "editable": false,
            "setOnCreateOnly": false,
            "disabled": false,
            "objectType": "User",
            "label": "Locked By",
            "hidden": false
            "name": "locked_date__v",
            "scope": "Lock",
            "type": "DateTime",
            "required": true,
            "systemAttribute": true,
            "editable": false,
            "setOnCreateOnly": false,
            "disabled": false,
            "objectType": "DateTime",
            "label": "Locked Date",
            "hidden": false


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Version History

Since: v1.0
v6.0: updated property names


The heart of Veeva Vault is the documents object. The API lets you create, update, retrieve and delete documents. The properties available and/or required for the document depend on the {type}:{subtype}:{classification} of the document. You can get the list of document properties from the Document Metadata API calls.

Note that as of v5.0 you cannot create or manipulate binder documents through the documents API, you must use the binders API, below.

Create Document

You can create a document by sending a POST request to the /api/{version}/objects/documents endpoint.

  • The maximum file size allowed is 4GB.
  • The HTTP Request Header Content-Type must be set to multipart/form-data.
  • Refer to output from the Document Metadata APIs to determine the request parameters. To determine the required properties, look for the properties with the following metadata: required=true and setOnCreateOnly=false
  • To upload a file, use multi-part attachment with the file component named file. If no file is attached, the document will be created as a content placeholder.
  • To create a document from a template, include a query parameter fromTemplate and specify the name of the template as returned from the document {type}/{subtype}/{classification} Document Metadata API. Only templates of type document are allowed and the document type of the document being created must match the metadata API path.

For example, to create a document in eTMF Vault:

$ curl -X POST -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \
-F "lifecycle__v=eTMF Lifecycle" \
-F "type__v=Trial Management" \
-F "subtype__v=Trial Oversight" \
-F "classification__v=Trial Master File Plan" \
-F "process_name__v=Secure Resources / People" \
-F "name__v=Test Document" \
-F "major_version_number__v=0" \
-F "minor_version_number__v=1" \
-F "file=@TestDocument.docx" \

By default the document metadata is indexed synchronously. To process the indexing asynchronously, include a query parameter async set to true. This also improves the performance of rendering the viewable PDF renditions by routing the rendering requests to bulk renditions queue.

By default the viewable rendition is generated at the time of document creation. To supporess generation of the viewable rendition, include a query parameter suppressRendition set to true.


On success, the response will contain the ID of the newly created document.


    "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "id": 31


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Version History

Since: v1.0
v5.0: create from template supported
v7.0: asynchronous metadata indexing supported
v8.0: suppressing generation of viewable rendition is supported

Retrieve Documents

You can retrieve the documents from a specific Library view or documents matching a keyword search by sending a GET request to the /api/{version}/objects/documents endpoint.

The Retrieve Documents API mimics the behavior of the pre-canned document filters available through the Vault UI: My Documents (documents I have created or updated), Recent Documents (documents I have recently viewed), Favorites (documents I have tagged as Favorites). Just as with the UI, the lists return both documents and binders.

Request Parameters

Field Description
named_filter one of My Documents (get my documents), Recent Documents (get recent documents) or Favorites (get my favorite documents)
search used to do keyword search across all document properties; only one of named_filter or search can be used, using both is an error
scope used in conjunction with search to indicate whether the search is against all searchable properties (scope = properties) or against searchable properties and document content (scope = all). The default is properties and is assumed if not set.
start [optional, default: 0] number indicating the row offset in the result
limit [optional, default and absolute maximum: 200] number indicating the maximum number of documents to return
sort [optional] sort field followed by sort order, e.g. name__v desc

For example:

$ curl -X GET -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \ 


On success, Vault retrieves the list of documents and binders matching the request criteria, with their metadata. The document metadata returned will vary based on your vault configuration.

A document pseudo-property binder__v indicates whether the returned document is a regular document or a binder. The value of true means it is a binder, false or absense of the pseudo-property means it is a document. If binder, the binder node structure is not listed as part of the response and must be determined through the appropriate Binder API call.


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Version History

Since: v1.0
v4.0: the scope parameter is supported
v4.0: the response now includes term highlighting hints
v5.0: the response now distinguishes between documents and binders

Retrieve Document

You can retrieve the document properties and property values for the specified document by sending a GET request to the /api/{version}/objects/documents/{id} endpoint.

For example:

$ curl -X GET -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \ 


On success, Vault returns the properties and property values for the document. Response properties will vary based on properties defined for the document type of the specified document.


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Version History

Since: v1.0

Retrieve Document Versions

You can retrieve the available versions of the document by sending a GET request to the /api/{version}/objects/documents/{id}/versions endpoint.

For example:

$ curl -X GET -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \ 


On success, Vault returns a list of the available versions for the specified document.

Field Description
versions contains a list of document version
- number the version number; first value is the major version, second is the minor version
- value the API URL for the specific version
renditions the list of API URLs for of the document's renditions


    "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "versions": [
            "number": "0.1",
            "value": ""
    "renditions": {
        "viewable_rendition__v": ""


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Version History

Since: v1.0

Retrieve Document Version

You can retrieve the document properties and property values for the specified document version by sending a GET request to the /api/{version}/objects/documents/{id}/versions/{major}/{minor} endpoint.

For example:

$ curl -X GET -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \ 


On success, Vault returns the properties and property values for the specified version of the document. Response properties will vary based on properties defined for the document type of the specified document.


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Version History

Since: v1.0

Update Document

You can update a document by sending a PUT request to the /api/{version}/objects/documents/{id} endpoint.

Refer to the output of the Document Metadata APIs, only those properties that are marked as "editable": true are valid.

To reclassify the document, set the reclassify request parameter to true (set to false by default). While reclassifying you are able to set the lifecycle/type/subType/classifications for the document together with the properties required for the specified classification.


On success, the response will contain the ID of the updated document.


    "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "id": 29


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Version History

Since: v1.0
v8.0: reclassify support added

Update Document Version

You can update a document version by sending a PUT request to the /api/{version}/objects/documents/{id}/versions/{major}/{minor} endpoint.

Refer to the output of the Document Metadata APIs, only those properties that are marked as "editable": true are valid.


On success, Vault updates property values for the specified version of the document and returns the ID of the updated document.


    "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "id": 24


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Version History

Since: v1.0

Delete Document

You can delete the document by sending a DELETE request to the /api/{version}/objects/documents/{id} endpoint.

For example:

$ curl -X DELETE -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \ 


On success, Vault returns the id of the deleted document.


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Version History

Since: v1.0

Delete Document Version

You can delete the specific version of the document by sending a DELETE request to the /api/{version}/objects/documents/{id}/versions/{major}/{minor} endpoint.

For example:

$ curl -X DELETE -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \ 


On success, Vault deletes the version specified, including the viewable rendition, property values, etc., and returns the ID of the deleted document.


    "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "id": 24


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Version History

Since: v1.0

Retrieve Document File

You can retrieve the source file from the document by sending a GET request to the /api/{version}/objects/documents/{id}/file endpoint.

You can check-out the document before the retrieval by setting lockDocument request parameter to true (false by default).

For example:

$ curl -X GET -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \ 
https://{CUSTOMER}{version}/objects/documents/{id}/file?lockDocument=true > file


On success, Vault retrieves the latest version of the source file from the document. The HTTP Response Header Content-Type is set to application/octet-stream. The HTTP Response Header Content-Disposition contains a filename component which can be used when naming the local file.

. . .
Content-Type: application/octet-stream;charset=UTF-8
Content-Disposition: attachment;filename="VaultFile.pptx"
. . .


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Version History

Since: v1.0
v6.0: check-out prior to retrieval is supported

Retrieve Document Version File

You can retrieve the source file from the specified version of the document by sending a GET request to the /api/{version}/objects/documents/{id}/versions/{major}/{minor}/file endpoint.


On success, Vault retrieves the specified version of the source file from the document. The HTTP Response Header Content-Type is set to application/octet-stream. The HTTP Response Header Content-Disposition contains a filename component which can be used when naming the local file.

. . .
Content-Type: application/octet-stream;charset=UTF-8
Content-Disposition: attachment;filename="VaultFile.pptx"
. . .


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Version History

Since: v1.0

Retrieve Document Version Thumbnail

You can retrieve the document thumbnail image for the specified version of the document by sending a GET request to the /api/{version}/objects/documents/{id}/versions/{major}/{minor}/thumbnail endpoint.

For example:

$ curl -X GET -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \ 
https://{CUSTOMER}{version}/objects/documents/{id}/versions/{major}/{minor}/thumbnail > thumbnail.png


On success, Vault returns the thumbnail image for the specified version of the document. The HTTP Response Header Content-Type is set to image/png.


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Version History

Since: v6.0

Create Document Lock (Check-out)

You can create the document lock by sending a POST request to the /api/{version}/objects/documents/{id}/lock endpoint.

A document lock is analogous to checking out a document but without the file attached in the response for download, to get the file use the Retrieve Document File API.

For example:

$ curl -X POST -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \ 


On success, Vault locks the document and other users are not allowed to lock the document.


    "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "responseMessage": "Document successfully checked out."


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Version History

Since: v1.0

Retrieve Document Lock

You can check if the document is locked (checked-out) by sending a GET request to the /api/{version}/objects/documents/{id}/lock endpoint.

For example:

$ curl -X GET -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \ 


On success, Vault retrieves the lock object (if any) for a document. If the document is not currently checked out, no lock properties will be returned.

Field Description
locked_by__v ID of the user who locked the document
locked_date__v Timestamp when the document was locked


    "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "lock": {
        "locked_by__v": 25496,
        "locked_date__v": "2013-04-09T18:01:09.000Z"


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Version History

Since: v1.0

Delete Document Lock

You can delete the document lock by sending a DELETE request to the /api/{version}/objects/documents/{id}/lock endpoint. Deleting a document lock is analogous to undoing check out of a document.

For example:

$ curl -X DELETE -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \ 


On success, Vault unlocks the document, allowing other users to lock/check out the document.


    "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "responseMessage": "Undo check out successful."


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Version History

Since: v1.0

Update Document File / Create Draft

You can replace the document file or create a draft document version by sending a a POST request to the /api/{version}/objects/documents/{id} endpoint.

  • Updating the document file is the act of replacing the existing file. This will increase the document by a minor version. A document lock may be required before a file can be updated.
  • Creating a new document draft is the action of creating a new document version in Draft state from either the existing document content or by uploading a new document file.

The HTTP Request Header Content-Type must be set to multipart/form-data. To upload a file, use multi-part attachment with the file component named file.

Request Parameters

  • description__v - To set the description for the minor version update, include this parameter in the requested set to the description string.
  • createDraft - optional [latestContent|uploadedContent]

    • if not set or not included in the request, the functionality of this API call is to Upload New Document
    • if set to latestContent, the functionality of this API is to create a new draft version from the latest content
    • if set to uploadedContent, the functionality of this API is to create a new draft version from the content uploaded in file parameter
  • file - contains the binary file attachment.

    • optional when a new draft needed to be created from existing content
    • required when a new draft needed to be created for new content
    • required when the existing document file needs to be updated
  • suppressRendition - optional - boolean

    • if set to true suppresseses generation of viewable rendition when the document file is updated


On success, Vault updates the document source file or creates a new document draft.


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Version History

Since: v1.0
v7.0: Create Draft feature is supported
v8.0: suppressing generation of viewable rendition is supported

List Document Renditions

You can retrieve the list of rendition types available for the document by sending a GET request to the /api/{version}/objects/documents/{id}/renditions endpoint.

For example:

$ curl -X GET -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \ 


On success, Vault returns the list of rendition types for the document.


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Version History

Since: v1.0

List Document Version Renditions

You can retrieve the list of rendition types available for the specified document version by sending a GET request to the /api/{version}/objects/documents/{id}/versions/{major}/{minor}/renditions endpoint.

For example:

$ curl -X GET -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \ 


On success, Vault returns the list of rendition types for the specified document version.


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Version History

Since: v7.0

Retrieve Document Rendition

You can retrieve the file associated with the given rendition type for the document by sending a GET request to the /api/{version}/objects/documents/{id}/renditions/{renditionType} endpoint.

To retrieve the latest steady state version of the document rendition, set the optional steadyState request parameter to true (false by default)

For example:

$ curl -X GET -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \ 
https://{CUSTOMER}{version}/objects/documents/{id}/renditions/{renditionType}?steadyState=true > file


On success, Vault retrieves the file associated with the given renditions type for the document. The HTTP Response Header Content-Type is set to application/octet-stream.


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Version History

Since: v1.0
v6.0: steadyState request parameter supported

Retrieve Document Version Rendition

You can retrieve the file associated with the given rendition type for the specified document version by sending a GET request to the /api/{version}/objects/documents/{id}/versions/{major}/{minor}/renditions/{renditionType} endpoint.

For example:

$ curl -X GET -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \ 
https://{CUSTOMER}{version}/objects/documents/{id}/versions/{major}/{minor}/renditions/{renditionType} > file


On success, Vault retrieves the file associated with the given renditions type for the specified document version. The HTTP Response Header Content-Type is set to application/octet-stream.


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Version History

Since: v7.0

Upload Document Rendition

You can upload the file to be associated with the given rendition type for the document by sending a POST request to the /api/{version}/objects/documents/{id}/renditions/{renditionType} endpoint.

The HTTP Request Header Content-Type must be set to multipart/form-data. Include the file component in the multi-part attachment named file.

For example:

$ curl -X POST -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \ 
-F file=@file.pdf \ 


On success, Vault associates the uploaded file with the given rendition type for the specified document.


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Version History

Since: v1.0

Upload Document Version Rendition

You can upload the file to be associated with the given rendition type for the the document with the specified version number by sending a POST request to the /api/{version}/objects/documents/{id}/versions/{major}/{minor}/renditions/{renditionType} endpoint.

The HTTP Request Header Content-Type must be set to multipart/form-data. Include the file component in the multi-part attachment named file.

For example:

$ curl -X POST -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \ 
-F file=@file.pdf \ 


On success, Vault associates the uploaded file with the given rendition type for the document with the specified version number.


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Version History

Since: v7.0

Delete Latest Document Rendition

You can delete the rendition of specified type from the latest document version by sending a DELETE request to the /api/{version}/objects/documents/{id}/renditions/{renditionType} endpoint.

For example:

$ curl -X DELETE -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \ 


On success, Vault deletes the rendition of specified type from the latest document version.


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Version History

Since: v7.0

Delete Document Version Rendition

You can delete the rendition of the given type from the specified version of the document by sending a DELETE request to the /api/{version}/objects/documents/{id}/versions/{major}/{minor}/renditions/{renditionType} endpoint.

For example:

$ curl -X DELETE -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \ 


On success, Vault deletes the rendition of the given type from the specified version of the document.


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Version History

Since: v7.0

Replace Document Rendition

You can replace the rendition of the given type from the latest version of the document by sending a PUT request to the /api/{version}/objects/documents/{id}/renditions/{renditionType} endpoint.

The HTTP Request Header Content-Type must be set to multipart/form-data. Include the file component in the multi-part attachment named file.

For example:

$ curl -X PUT -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \ 
-F file=@file.pdf \ 


On success, Vault replaces the rendition of the given type from the latest version of the document.


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Version History

Since: v7.0

Replace Document Version Rendition

You can replace the rendition of the given type from the specified version of the document by sending a PUT request to the /api/{version}/objects/documents/{id}/versions/{major}/{minor}/renditions/{renditionType} endpoint.

The HTTP Request Header Content-Type must be set to multipart/form-data. Include the file component in the multi-part attachment named file.

For example:

$ curl -X PUT -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \ 
-F file=@file.pdf \ 


On success, Vault replaces the rendition of the given type for the specified version of the document.


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Version History

Since: v7.0

List Document Relationships

You can retrieve the list of document relationships by sending a GET request to the /api/{version}/objects/documents/{id}/versions/{major}/{minor}/relationships endpoint.

For example:

$ curl -X GET -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \ 


On success, Vault returns a list of relationships where the specified document is the source document.

Field Description
id ID of the relationship
source_doc_id__v ID of the source document
relationship_type__v the name of relationship type
target_doc_id__v the relationship target document id
target_major_version__v the major version of the target document, a null value indicates that the relationship applies to all major versions of the target document
target_minor_version__v the minor version of the target document, a null value indicates that the relationship applies to all minor versions of the target document
created_by__v ID of the user who created the relationship
created_date__v Timestamp when the relationship was created


  "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
  "relationships": [
      "relationship": {
        "id": 31,
        "source_doc_id__v": 24,
        "relationship_type__v": "related_claims__vs",
        "created_by__v": 25496,
        "created_date__v": "2013-03-12T16:59:39.000Z",
        "target_doc_id__v": 22


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Version History

Since: v3.0

Create Document Relationship

Method & Endpoint

Send a POST request to the /api/{VERSION}/objects/documents/{ID}/versions/{MAJOR_VERSION}/{MINOR_VERSION}/relationships endpoint.

Request Headers

  • To specify the input format, set the HTTP Request Header Content-Type to application/x-www-form-urlencoded (name-value pair input).
  • JSON is the default response format (application/json).
  • To request an XML response, set the HTTP Request Header Accept to application/xml.

Request Parameters

  • {ID} - The document id field value.
  • {MAJOR_VERSION} - The document major_version_number__v field value.
  • {MINOR_VERSION} - The document minor_version_number__v field value.

Input Parameters

  • target_doc_id__v - [Required] The target document id field value.
  • relationship_type__v - [Required] The relationship type retrieved from the Document Relationships Metadata call.
  • target_major_version__v - [Optional] The major version number of the target document.
  • target_minor_version__v - [Optional] The minor version number of the target document.

Example Request

$ curl -X POST -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \
-H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
-d "target_doc_id__v=548"
-d "relationship_type__v=supporting_documents__vs"
-d "target_major_version_v=0"
-d "target_minor_version_v=1"

Example Response

    "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "responseMessage": "Document relationship successfully created.",
    "id": 200

On success, Vault returns the ID of the newly created document relationship.

Possible Errors

Error Type Error Message/Description
INVALID_DATA Relationship already exists.
PARAMETER_REQUIRED Missing required parameter {PARAMETER}.
INVALID_DATA Document version major {MAJOR_VERSION_NUMBER}, minor {MINOR_NUMBER} not found for document {ID}.

Version History

Available in API v3.0 or later.

Delete a Document Relationship

You can delete the document relationship by sending a DELETE request to the /api/{version}/objects/documents/{id}/versions/{major}/{minor}/relationships/{relationshipId} endpoint.

For example:

$ curl -X DELETE -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \ 


On success, Vault returns the relationship ID of the deleted relationship.


  "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
  "responseMessage": "Document relationship successfully deleted.",
  "id": 35


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Version History

Since: v3.0

Document Events

The Document Events are used to track the document and binder distribution events across sub-systems such as iRep, Controlled Copy, Approved Email and Engage.

Document Events Metadata

Through the Document Event Metadata APIs you can retrieve the current configuration of the Document Events in your Vault including the available event types and subtypes, and the event data each of the types/sybtypes manage.

Retrieve Available Document Event Types

You can retrieve the document event types by sending a GET request to the /api/{version}/metadata/objects/documents/events endpoint.

For example:

$ curl -X GET -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \ 


On success, Vault returns the list of events, and event types per each event (if applicable). If the user is not permitted to access the event data, the event type is omitted from the response.


    "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "events": [
            "name": "distribution__v",
            "label": "Distribution Event",
            "subtypes": [
                    "name": "approved_email__v",
                    "label": "Approved Email",
                    "value": ""
                    "name": "controlled_copy__v",
                    "label": "Controlled Copy",
                    "value": ""
                    "name": "irep__v",
                    "label": "CRM",
                    "value": ""
                    "name": "engage__v",
                    "label": "Engage",
                    "value": ""


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Version History

Since: v6.0

Retrieve Event Type Metadata & Defined Subtypes

You can retrieve the document event type metadata by sending a GET request to the /api/{version}/metadata/objects/documents/events/{event_type} endpoint.

For example:

$ curl -X GET -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \ 


On success, Vault returns all metadata for the specified event type. If event subtypes are defined for the event type, the subtypes will also be included


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Version History

Since: v6.0

Document Events Data

Through the Document Event Data APIs you can log and retrieve the document distribution event data in your Vault.

Retrieve Document Event Data

You can retrieve the document event type metadata by sending a GET request to the /objects/documents/{id}/events endpoint.

Request Parameters

You can include one or more queryable event properties and associated values in the request parameters to filter the response.

Example: specifying event_type__v=Distribution will return only distribution events, event_type__v=Distribution&event_subtype__v=Approved Email will return only distribution events generated for/by Approved Email

  • Use startDate and endDate parameters to filter by date range

    • the date can be specified in UTC including the time part, although the time part is optional. If time part is not included a midnight on the specified date is assumed.
  • Use limit and start parameters for paginating over the result set


On success, Vault returns the list of event objects, each containing the properties as defined by the metadata for its event type. Null and/or false valued properties are omitted from the response. By default 200 records is returned, however this can be overwritten by specifying an alternative value in the limit parameter.


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Version History

Since: v6.0

Log a Document Event

You can log a document event of specific type, subtype, and classificationt by sending a POST request to the /objects/documents/{id}/versions/{maj}/{min}/events endpoint.

Request Parameters

Provide the name-value pairs consisting of all required properties and the values for the event type/subtype specified. The required properties are obtained from the "Event Type Metadata" API for the event type/subtype. Either Labels or keys can be used for event_type__v, event_subtype__v and classification__v properties.


On success, Vault logs the document event.


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Error Type Description
INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS This error occurs if the user does not have permission to log an event of specified type
INVALID_DATA This error occurs if the value specified for the parameter is invalid (i.e. validation error). As part of the error a list of all properties which have an error will be returned
PARAMETER_REQUIRED This error occurs if the required parameter is not provided. As part of the error a list of all missing parameters will be returned.
METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED This error occurs if the URL is constructed with an invalid event type, or any other endpoint related issues occur.

Version History

Since: v6.0


The API supports lifecycle actions such as workflows and state changes on documents and binders in your vault. This allows you to request a list of lifecycle actions available to users on a document or binder, retrieve the properties which are required to be provided before the lifecycle action can be initiated (entry requirements), and then initiate the lifecycle action.

Step 1: Retrieve Lifecycle Actions

  • Retrieve a list of available lifecycle actions ("User Actions" in the UI) that can be initiated on a specific version of a document or binder.
  • The response includes the name of each lifecycle action used to initiate the action and the endpoint to retrieve the entry requirements.

Step 2: Retrieve Entry Requirements

  • Before initiating a lifecycle action, you need to ensure that the document or binder meets certain conditions (required fields are populated, etc.).
  • For example, you don't need to assign a user to the "Approver" role when the document is first uploaded, but you do need to when initiating the "Start Approval" workflow.
  • Not all lifecycle actions have entry requirements. In these cases, you can simply proceed with initiation of the lifecycle action.
  • Some have requirements that can be specified as name-value pairs with the lifecycle initiation request (when the entry requirement "scope": "WorkflowActivation").
  • Others must first be updated on the document or binder before initiating the request (when the entry requirement "scope": "Document" or "scope": "Binder").

Step 3: Initiate Lifecycle Action

  • Once you've determined the entry requirements and completed those which must be configured separately, you can initiate the lifecycle action.
  • Vault will evaluate whether all the entry requirements have been met and, if so, will initiate the lifecycle action on the specified version of the document or binder.

Retrieve Lifecycle Actions

Use this request to retrieve all available lifecycle actions that can be initiated on a specific version of a document or binder.

Method & Endpoint

Documents: Send a GET request to the /api/{VERSION}/objects/documents/{ID}/versions/{major_version_number__v}/{minor_version_number__v}/lifecycle_actions endpoint.
Binders: Send a GET request to the /api/{VERSION}/objects/binders/{ID}/versions/{major_version_number__v}/{minor_version_number__v}/lifecycle_actions endpoint.

Request Headers

  • JSON is the default response format (application/json).
  • To request an XML response, set the HTTP Request Header Accept to application/xml.

Request Parameters

  • ID - The id field value of the document from which to retrieve available lifecycle actions.
  • major_version_number__v - Major version number of the document.
  • minor_version_number__v - Minor version number of the document.

Example Request

$ curl -X GET -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \

Example Response

  "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
  "responseMessage": "Success",
  "lifecycle_actions__v": [
      "name__v": "startApproval",
      "label__v": "Start Approval",
      "lifecycle_action_type__v": "workflow",
      "entry_requirements__v": ""
      "name__v": "approve",
      "label__v": "Approve",
      "lifecycle_action_type__v": "stateChange",
      "entry_requirements__v": ""

Response Details

The response lists all available lifecycle actions (lifecycle_actions__v) that can be initiated on the specified version of the document or binder.

  • name__v - The lifecycle action name (consumed by the API). These vary from vault to vault and may be text, numeric, or alphanumeric values.
  • label__v - The lifecycle action label. This is the "User Action" label seen in the UI. These values
  • lifecycle_action_type__v - The workflow and stateChange types are the most commonly used and are available in all vaults.
  • entry_requirements__v - The endpoint to retrieve the entry requirements for each lifecycle action. If no entry requirements exist, this will be excluded from the response.

Note that lifecycle actions are not returned for documents or binders which are currently in an active workflow.

Version History

Available in API v6.0 or later.

Retrieve Entry Requirements

Once you've retrieved the available lifecycle actions, use this request to retrieve the entry requirements from a specific lifecycle action.

Method & Endpoint

Documents: Send a GET request to the /api/{VERSION}/objects/documents/{ID}/versions/{major_version_number__v}/{minor_version_number__v}/lifecycle_actions/{LIFECYCLE_ACTION}/entry_requirements endpoint.
Binders: Send a GET request to the /api/{VERSION}/objects/binders/{ID}/versions/{major_version_number__v}/{minor_version_number__v}/lifecycle_actions/{LIFECYCLE_ACTION}/entry_requirements endpoint.

Request Headers

  • JSON is the default response format (application/json).
  • To request an XML response, set the HTTP Request Header Accept to application/xml.

Request Parameters

  • ID - The id field value of the document from which to retrieve lifecycle action entry requirements.
  • major_version_number__v - Major version number of the document.
  • minor_version_number__v - Minor version number of the document.
  • LIFECYCLE_ACTION - The name__v value of the lifecycle action from which to retrieve entry requirements.

Example Request 1

In this request, we'll retrieve the entry requirements for the "Start Approval" workflow.

$ curl -X GET -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \

Example Response 1

  "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
  "responseMessage": "Success",
  "properties": [
      "name": "dueDate",
      "description": "Approval Due Date",
      "type": [
      "required": true,
      "editable": true,
      "scope": "WorkflowActivation"
      "name": "Approver",
      "description": "Approver",
      "type": [
      "objectTypeReferenced": {
        "name": "User",
        "label": "User"
      "required": true,
      "editable": true,
      "repeating": true,
      "scope": "WorkflowActivation"

The response above shows two entry requirements to start the approval workflow on this document: dueDate and Approver.

  • You must assign an Approval Due Date and users/groups to the Approver role on the document when intiating the lifecycle action.
  • Unlike the response from the next request, the Scope for these fields is set to WorkflowActivation ("scope": "WorkflowActivation").
  • This scope means that you can initiate the lifecycle action by including these entry requirements as name-value pairs with the request.

Refer to the example request "Initiate Start Approval Workflow" in the "Initiate Lifecycle Action" section below for more information.

Example Request 2

In this request, we'll retrieve the entry requirements to change the state of a document from "Draft" to "Approved".

$ curl -X GET -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \

Example Response 2

  "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
  "responseMessage": "Success",
  "properties": [
      "name": "country__v",
      "description": "Country",
      "type": [
      "objectTypeReferenced": {
        "name": "country__v",
        "label": "Country",
        "url": "/api/v14.0/metadata/vobjects/country__v",
        "label_plural": "Countries"
      "editable": true,
      "repeating": true,
      "scope": "Document",
      "records": "/api/v14.0/vobjects/country__v"

The response above shows one entry requirement to change the state of this document from "Draft" to "Approved": country__v.

  • You must assign a value to the Country document field before initiating the lifecycle action.
  • Unlike the response from the previous request, the Scope for this field is set to Document ("scope": "Document").
  • This scope means that you must first update this field on the document before initiating the lifecycle action.

Refer to the example request "Change State to Approved" in the "Initiate Lifecycle Action" section below for more information.

Entry Requirement Field Properties

The response may include the following metadata elements describing the properties for which values need to be specified:

Property Description
name The entry requirement name (used in the API). This value must be specified when starting the lifecycle action.
description The entry requirement name (used in the UI).
type The entry requirement data type. This value can be one of String, Number, Date, Boolean, Picklist, or ObjectReference.
objectTypeReferenced When type is ObjectReference, this is the object being reference. For example: User, Product, Country, etc.
required Boolean value indicating whether or not the entry requirement must be specified when initiating a lifecycle action.
editable Boolean value indicating whether or not the value can be edited by the user.
repeating Boolean value indicating whether or not the entry requirement can have multiple values.
minValue Indicates the minimum character length for the value.
maxValue Indicates the maximum character length for the value.
values When type is Picklist, this provides a list of possible values that can be used.
currentSetting When a value has already been set, this shows the value.
scope Indicates where the property is defined. This can be one of Document, Binder, WorkflowActivation, EmailFragment, ControlledCopy, or CreatePresentation.

Version History

Available in API v6.0 or later.

Initiate Lifecycle Action

Once you've identified the entry requirements, use this request to initiate the lifecycle action on a specific version of a document or binder.

Method & Endpoint

Documents: Send a PUT request to the /api/{VERSION}/objects/documents/{ID}/versions/{major_version_number__v}/{minor_version_number__v}/lifecycle_actions/{LIFECYCLE_ACTION} endpoint.
Binders: Send a PUT request to the /api/{VERSION}/objects/binders/{ID}/versions/{major_version_number__v}/{minor_version_number__v}/lifecycle_actions/{LIFECYCLE_ACTION} endpoint.

Request Headers

  • To specify the input format, set the HTTP Request Header Content-Type to application/x-www-form-urlencoded (name-value pair input).
  • JSON is the default response format (application/json).
  • To request an XML response, set the HTTP Request Header Accept to application/xml.

Request Parameters

  • ID - The id field value of the document on which to initiate a lifecycle action.
  • major_version_number__v - Major version number of the document.
  • minor_version_number__v - Minor version number of the document.
  • LIFECYCLE_ACTION - The name__v value of the lifecycle action to be initiated. This is retrieved from the first request above.

Example Request 1

In this request, we'll initiate the "Start Approval" workflow.

$ curl -X PUT -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \ 
-H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
-d "dueDate=2015-12-25" \
-d "Approver=user:12021,user:12022,group:10030003" \

Request Details

This request is initiating a workflow activation lifecycle action on the document. We're initiating the "Start Approval" workflow.

  • Recall from the discussion in the previous section that the two entry requirements are to assign a values to the dueDate and Approver fields.
  • The entry requirement Scope is set to WorkflowActivation ("scope": "WorkflowActivation"), meaning the values can be included as a name-value pairs with the request.
  • Format the dueDate value as shown above. To assign users and/or groups to the Approver role, include a comma-separated list of user and group id values.

On submitting this request, Vault will evaluate whether all the entry requirements have been met and, if so, initiate the lifecycle action.

Example Response

  "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
  "id": 222,
  "workflow_id__v": "115"

Response Details

  • On SUCCESS, Vault returns the id value of the document on which the lifecycle action has been initiated and the workflow_id__v value of the workflow.
  • This document ("id": 222) was now in the "Start Approval" workflow ("workflow_id__v": "115").
  • On FAILURE, Vault returns an error type and message describing the reason for the error. The lifecycle action will not be initiated until all errors have been corrected.

Version History

Available in API v6.0 or later.

Example Request 2

In this request, we'll change the state of a document from "Draft" to "Approved".

$ curl -X PUT -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \

Request Details

This request is initiating a state change lifecycle action on the document. We're changing the state from "Draft" to "Approved".

  • Recall from the discussion in the previous section that the only entry requirement is to assign a value to the document's country__v field.
  • The entry requirement Scope is set to Document ("scope": "Document"), meaning the country field value cannot be included as a name-value pair with the request.
  • Instead, before submitting this request, we used a separate Update Document request to update the country field on the document. This fulfilled the entry requirement.
  • Therefore, we do not need to specify the input format (there is no input requirement) and the request can be submitted as shown in this example.

Example Response

  "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
  "id": 222

Response Details

  • On SUCCESS, Vault returns the id value of the document on which the lifecycle action has been initiated.
  • This document ("id": 222) was previously version 0.1 (Draft State). It is now version 1.0 (Approved/Steady State).
  • On FAILURE, Vault returns an error type and message describing the reason for the error. The lifecycle action will not be initiated until all errors have been corrected.

Version History

Available in API v6.0 or later.


Binders organize documents and sections and other binders into a hierarchical structure that is useful for packaging related documents together for easier management or eventual publishing. Binders are a kind of document and many of the Document API calls, such as metadata, retrieving and setting properties, security, etc. can be used directly on a binder and will not be replicated here. All API calls related to files and renditions will not work on a binder object. Binders do have unique APIs that allow for interrogating and manipulating the binder structure.

Create Binder

You can create a binder by sending a POST request to the /api/{version}/objects/binders endpoint.

  • Refer to output from the Document Metadata APIs to determine the request parameters.
  • Only properties marked as "onCreateEditable": true are valid and properties vary based on your Vault configuration.
  • No file can be uploaded as part of a binder creation
  • To create a document from a template, include a query parameter fromTemplate and specify the name of the template as returned from the "Document Type/Subtype/Classification Metadata" API. Only templates of type binder are allowed and the document type of the document being created must match the metadata API path.

By default the binder metadata is indexed synchronously. To process the indexing asynchronously, include an optional request parameter async set to true.


On success, Vault create a binder returns the ID of the newly created binder


  "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
  "responseMessage": "Successfully created binder.",
  "id": 33


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Version History

Since: v5.0
v7.0: asynchronous metadata indexing supported

Retrieve Binder

You can retrieve the binder properties and it's node tree structure by sending a GET request to the /api/{version}/objects/binders/{id} endpoint.

Request Parameters

Field Description
depth [string] number of levels to return of the binder structure. Default is "1" and will return top level sections in the binder. Valid values are "1" and "all" where "all" returns the entire binder structure. An example would be .../objects/binders/1255?depth=all to return the entire binder structure.


On success, Vault retrieves the properties of a binder (in exactly the same format as the "Retrieve Document" API) and retrieves the components of the binder in a hierarchical structure clearly showing the parent-child relationships for each item and maintaining the specific order of the objects in each level.

For each binder, the API will return: * order__v Order within the section or binder * type__v Document * id Node ID of the document, unique within the binder * document_id__v ID of the document * name__v Name of the document * major_version_number__v Major version (if binding rule = specific) * minor_version_number__v Minor version (if binding rule = specific)

For each section, the API will return:
* order__v Order within the section or binder * type__v Section * id ID of the section, unique within the binder * name__v Name of the section * section_number__v Section number (optional)

For each binder, the API will return: * order__v Order within the section or binder * type__v = Binder * id ID of the binder * name__v Name of the binder

NOTE: When a contained binder is listed here, no children of that binder are listed. It will require a separate "Retrieve Binder" API call in that binder to get its structure.


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Type Description
INVALID_BINDER ID passed is not for a binder

Version History

Since: v5.0

Retrieve Binder Versions

Binders have versions just like regular documents.

You can retrieve the available binder versions by sending a GET request to the /api/{version}/objects/binders/{id}/versions endpoint.

For example:

$ curl -X GET -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \ 


On success, Vault returns a list of the available versions for the specified binder.


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Version History

Since: v5.0

Retrieve Binder Version

You can retrieve the binder properties and values for the specific binder version by sending a GET request to the /api/{version}/objects/binders/{id}/versions/{major}/{minor} endpoint.

For example:

$ curl -X GET -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \ 


On success, Vault returns the properties and property values for the specified version of the binder. Response properties will vary based on properties defined for the document type classification of the specified binder. The shaper and the contents of the response is similar to the response of the "Retrieve Binder" API


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Version History

Since: v5.0

Update Binder Properties

You can update the binder properties by sending a PUT request to the /api/{version}/objects/binders/{id} endpoint.

Refer to the output of the Document Metadata APIs, only those properties that are marked as "editable": true are valid.

To reclassify the binder, set the reclassify request parameter to true (set to false by default). While reclassifying you are able to set the lifecycle/type/subType/classifications for the binder and with the properties required for the specified classification.


On success, Vault returns the ID of the updated binder.
v8.0 Notes: reclassify supported


  "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
  "id": 32


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Type Description
INVALID_BINDER ID passed is not for a binder

Version History

Since: v5.0
v8.0: reclassify supported

Update Binder Version Properties

You can update the binder properties of the specific binder version by sending a PUT request to the /api/{version}/objects/binders/{id}/versions/{major}/{minor} endpoint.

Refer to the output of the Document Metadata APIs, only those properties that are marked as "editable": true are valid.


On success, Vault updates the specified version of the binder and returns the id of the updated binder.


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Version History

Since: v5.0

Create Draft

You can create a new draft version for a binder by sending a POST request to the /api/{version}/objects/binders/{id} endpoint.

For example:

$ curl -X POST -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \ 


On success, the response contains the major and minor versions of the newly created binder draft.


On failure, the response contains an error message.

Type Message Description
INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS User does not have sufficient privileges to perform the action. This error condition occurs when the user does not have permissions to create a draft.
INVALID_BINDER Binder not found {id}. The error condition occurs when the user specifies a binder {id} that does not exist.

Version History

Since: v7.0

Delete Binder

You can delete the binder by sending a DELETE request to the /api/{version}/objects/binders/{id} endpoint.

For example:

$ curl -X DELETE -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \ 


On success, Vault returns the id of the deleted binder.

  "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
  "id": 35


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Version History

Since: v5.0

Delete Binder Version

You can delete the specific binder version by sending a DELETE request to the /api/{version}/objects/binders/{id}/versions/{major}/{minor} endpoint.

Note: If a binder has only one version, you cannot delete it.

For example:

$ curl -X DELETE -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \ 


On success, Vault returns the id of the deleted binder.

  "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
  "id": 124


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Version History

Since: v5.0

Create a Binder Relationship

You can create a binder relationship by sending a POST request to the /api/{version}/objects/binders/{id}/versions/{major}/{minor}/relationships endpoint.

For example:

$ curl -X POST -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \ 
-d "target_doc_id__v=13&relationship_type__v=supporting_documents__vs&target_major_version__v=0&target_minor_version__v=1" \

Request Parameters

Field Description
target_doc_id__v [required] relationship target document id
relationship_type__v [required] is the value of property value of one of the desired relationshipTypes from the "Documents Relationships Metadata" call
target_major_version__v [optional] if applicable to the type of relationship being created, this is the major version of the target document
target_minor_version__v [optional] if applicable to the type of relationship being created, this is the minor version of the target document


On success, Vault returns the id of the newly created binder relationship


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Version History

Since: v5.0

Retrieve a Binder Relationship

You can retrieve a binder relationship by sending a GET request to the /api/{version}/objects/binders/{id}/versions/{major}/{minor}/relationships/{relationshipId} endpoint.

For example:

$ curl -X GET -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \


On success, Vault return the requested relationship. The relationship has the following properties:

Field Description
id Relationship ID
source_doc_id Document ID for source document
relationship_type__v Relationship type
created_by__v User ID of user who created the relationship
created_date__v Timestamp when the relationship was created
target_doc_id__v Document ID for target document
target_major_version__v Major version of the target document; null values indicate that the relationship applies to all major versions
target_minor_version__v Minor version of the target document; null values indicate that the relationship applies to all minor versions


  "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
  "relationships": [
      "relationship": {
        "id": 41,
        "source_doc_id__v": 32,
        "relationship_type__v": "supporting_documents__vs",
        "created_by__v": 25496,
        "created_date__v": "2013-04-11T19:46:59.000Z",
        "target_doc_id__v": 14


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Version History

Since: v5.0
v6.0: The response no longer includes the target_major_version__v property for relationships that are not version specific. v6.0: The response now includes the created_by__v, created_date__v, and source_doc_id__v properties.

Delete a Binder Relationship

You can delete a binder relationship by sending a DELETE request to the /api/{version}/objects/binders/{id}/versions/{major}/{minor}/relationships/{relationshipId} endpoint.

For example:

$ curl -X DELETE -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \


On success, Vault deletes the requested relationship and returns the ID of the deleted relationship.


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Version History

Since: v5.0

Update Binder Binding Rule

You can update document version binding rules for the binder, either for all documents and sections within the binder that do not already have binding rules set or for all documents and sections regardless of previous binding rules.

You can update the binding rules by sending a PUT request to the /api/{version}/objects/binders/{id}/binding_rule endpoint.

For example:

$ curl -X PUT -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \
-d "binding_rule__v=steady-state&binding_rule_override__v=true" \

Request Parameters

Field Description
binding_rule__v [required] Indicates which binding rule to apply (which document versions to link to the section); options are default, steady-state, and current
binding_rule_override__v [required] Indicates if the specified rule should override documents or sections which already have binding rules set; options are true, and false

Binding Rules: * default Latest available (assumed if binding_rule is blank) * steady-state Latest version in steady-state state * current Version currently in use


On success, Vault returns the ID of updated binder.


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Error Type Description
INVALID_BINDER ID passed is not for a binder
INVALID_BINDING_RULE Binder rule not recognized

Version History

Since: v5.0

Create Section

You can create a binder section by sending a POST request to the /api/{version}/objects/binders/{id}/sections endpoint.

Request Parameters

Field Description
name__v [retuired] Section name
section_number__v [optional] Section number
parent_id__v [optional] Node ID of the parent section; if blank, the new section will be a top-level section.
order__v [order] Order within the parent section or (if top-level) within the binder; "0" is the first position. Blank means add it as the last element in the binder or parent section.


On success, Vault returns the node ID of the newly created section. It is unique within the binder, regardless of level.

  "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
  "id": "1365789543654"


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Error Type Description
INVALID_BINDER ID passed is not for a binder
REQUIRED_FIELD_NOT_PRESENT Section name not present
INVALID_SECTION Parent section ID is not a valid section

Version History

Since: v5.0

Retrieve Section(s)

You can retrieve a binder section by sending a GET request to the /api/{version}/objects/binders/{id}/sections/{section_node_id} endpoint. If {section_node_id} blank in the endpoint, sections directly linked to the top-level binder will be returned.

For example:

$ curl -X GET -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \


On success, Vault returns the list of all sections, documents and binders within the top-level binder (if {section_node_id} is blank on the endpoint) or retrieves a list of all sections, documents, and binders within the specified section (if {section_node_id} is a valid section within the binder}.

For each document, the API will return: * order__v Order within the section * type__v Document * document_id__v ID of the document * name__v Name of the section * id Unique ID of the node within the binder * major_version_number__v Major version (if binding rule = specific) * minor_version_number__v Minor version (if binding rule = specific)

For each section, the API will return: * order__v Order within the section * type__v Section * id ID of the section, unique within the binder * name__v Name of the section * section_number__v Section number (optional)

For each binder, the API will return: * order__v Order within the section * type__v Binder * binder_id ID of the binder * name__v Name of the binder

Note that the section node ID passed in may be at any level within the binder hierarchy as section node IDs are unique within the binder.


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Error Type Description
INVALID_BINDER ID passed is not for a binder
INVALID_SECTION Parent section ID is not a valid section

Version History

Since: v5.0

Retrieve Binder Version Section

You can retrieve a binder section for in a specific binder version by sending a GET request to the /api/{version}/objects/binders/{id}/versions/{major}/{minor}/sections/{section_node_id} endpoint. If {section_node_id} blank in the endpoint, sections directly linked to the top-level binder will be returned.

For example:

$ curl -X GET -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \


On success, Vault returns the list of all sections, documents and binders within the top-level binder (if {section_node_id} is blank on the endpoint) or retrieves a list of all sections, documents, and binders within the specified section (if {section_node_id} is a valid section within the binder}.

For each document, the API will return: * order__v Order within the section * type__v Document * document_id__v ID of the document * name__v Name of the section * id Unique ID of the node within the binder * major_version_number__v Major version (if binding rule = specific) * minor_version_number__v Minor version (if binding rule = specific)

For each section, the API will return: * order__v Order within the section * type__v Section * id ID of the section, unique within the binder * name__v Name of the section * section_number__v Section number (optional)

For each binder, the API will return: * order__v Order within the section * type__v Binder * binder_id ID of the binder * name__v Name of the binder

Note that the section node ID passed in may be at any level within the binder hierarchy as section node IDs are unique within the binder.


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Error Type Description
INVALID_BINDER ID passed is not for a binder
INVALID_SECTION Parent section ID is not a valid section

Version History

Since: v5.0

Update Section

You can update the section name or the number of an existing section and/or move the section to a different location within the binder by sending a PUT request to the /api/{version}/objects/binders/{id}/sections/{section_node_id} endpoint.

Request Parameters

Field Description
name__v [optional] Section name
section_number__v [optiona] Section number
parent_id__v [optional] ID of new parent section or of binder, if the section is top-level; specifying a parent ID will move the section within the hierarchy. If blank, the section stays in the same level within the hierarchy
order__v [optional] New location within the binder. If moving to a new section (as defined by new parent_id__v being specified), this is the position within the target section or binder. If new parent_id__v is blank, the sections will move within the current section. If new order__v is greater than the available positions, it will be placed in the last position.

All other items in the section or binder will move down one position. If order__v is blank and new parent_id__v is entered, the section will move to the last position in the new parent.


On success, Vault returns the node ID of the updated section.

  "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
  "id": "1365704338631"


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Error Type Description
INVALID_BINDER ID passed is not for a binder
INVALID_SECTION Section ID is not a valid section
INVALID_TARGET_SECTION Parent ID is not a valid section within the binder or the Binder ID itself

Version History

Since: v5.0

Update Section Binding Rule

You can update the section binding rule by sending a PUT request to the /api/{version}/objects/binders/{id}/sections/{section_node_id}/binding_rule endpoint.

Binding rule setting applies to the current section and all sub-sections.

Request Parameters

Field Description
binding_rule__v [required] which binding rule indicating which versions of documents will be linked to the section and the ongoing behavior; options are default, steady-state, and current
binding_rule_override__v [required] if set to true then binding rule is applied to all documents and sections within the current section. If blank or false then binding rule is applied only to documents and sections within the current section that do not have a binding rule specified; options are true, and false

Binding Rules: * default Latest available (assumed if binding_rule is blank) * steady-state Latest version in steady-state state * current Version currently in use


On success, Vault returns the node ID of the updated section.


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Error Type Description
INVALID_BINDER ID passed is not for a binder
INVALID_SECTION Section ID is not a valid section

Version History

Since: v5.0

Delete Section

You can delete a binder section by sending a DELETE request to the /api/{version}/objects/binders/{id}/sections/{section_node_id} endpoint.

By deleting the section, it will be removed from its parent binder and all documents will be unlinked from the binder. If there are sub-sections and documents under the current section, they will be deleted (for sections) and unlinked (for documents) as well.

For example:

$ curl -X DELETE -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \


On success, Vault returns the node ID of the deleted section.

  "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
  "id": "1365704338631"


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Error Type Description
INVALID_BINDER ID passed is not for a binder
INVALID_SECTION Section ID is not a valid section

Version History

Since: v5.0

Add Document to Binder

You can link an existing document to a location within a binder (either at the top level or within a section in the binder) by sending a POST request to the /api/{version}/objects/binders/{binder ID}/documents endpoint.

Request Parameters

Field Description
document_id__v [required] ID of the document being added to the binder
parent_id__v [required] Section ID of the parent section, if the document will be in a section rather than top-level. Note: the section ID is unique no matter where it is in the binder hierarchy. Blank means adding the document at the top-level binder.
order__v [optional] Order within the parent section or binder ("1" is the first position). Blank means add it as the last element in the binder or parent section.
binding_rule__v [optional] binding rule indicating which version of the document will be linked to the binder and the ongoing behavior. Options are:
  • default - latest available (assumed if binding_rule is blank)
  • steady-state - latest version in steady-state state
  • current - bind to current version
  • specific - specific version
major_version_number__v if binding_rule is specific, then required and indicates the major version of the document to be linked, otherwise ignored
minor_version_number__v if binding_rule is specific, then required and indicates the minor version of the document to be linked. Otherwise ignored


On success, Vault returns the node id of the newly linked document


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Error Type Description
INVALID_BINDER ID passed is not for a binder
INVALID_DOCUMENT Document ID is not present
INVALID_SECTION Parent section ID is not a valid section
MISSING_MAJOR_VERSION Document major version was not specified and binding rule was specific
MISSING_MINOR_VERSION Document minor version was not specified and binding rule was specific

Version History

Since: v5.0

Move Document Within Binder

You can move the document to a different location within the binder by sending a PUT request to the /api/{version}/objects/binders/{id}/documents/{node_id} endpoint.

The {node_id} must be a valid ID representing a document node currently linked to the binder

For example:

$ curl -X PUT -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \ 
-d "parent_id__v=1365789543654&order__v=3" \

Request Parameters

Field Description
parent_id__v [optional] the node ID of the new parent section (or binder if moving it to the top level of the binder)
order__v [optional] the ordinal position within the target section or binder. If parent_id__v is blank, the the document will be moved within the current section. If order__v is greater than the available positions, it will be placed in the last position.


On success, Vault returns the node ID of the moved document within the binder


  "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
  "id": "1365798869626"


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Error Type Description
INVALID_BINDER ID passed is not for a binder
INVALID_DOCUMENT Document ID is not a valid document or the document is not linked to the selected binder
INVALID_TARGET_SECTION Parent ID is not a valid section within the binder or the Binder ID itself

Version History

Since: v5.0

Update Document Binding Rules

You can update the binding rules for the document within a specified binder by sending a PUT request to the /api/{version}/objects/binders/{id}/documents/{node_id}/binding_rule endpoint.

For example:

$ curl -X PUT -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \ 
-d "binding_rule__v=specific&major_version_number__v=1&minor_version_number__v=0" \

Request Parameters

Field Description
binding_rule__v [optional] Binding rule indicating which versions of documents will be linked to the section and the ongoing behavior. Options are:
  • default - latest available (assumed if binding_rule is blank)
  • steady-state - latest version in steady-state state
  • current - bind to current version
  • specific - specific version
major_version_number__v if binding_rule is specific, then required and indicates the major version of the document to be linked, otherwise ignored
minor_version_number__v if binding_rule is specific, then required and indicates the minor version of the document to be linked. Otherwise ignored


On success, Vault returns the node ID of the updated document node within the binder

  "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
  "id": "1365798869626"


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Error Type Description
INVALID_BINDER ID passed is not for a binder
INVALID_DOCUMENT Document ID is not a valid document or the document is not linked to the selected binder

Version History

Since: v5.0

Remove Document from Binder

You can unlink an existing document from a location within a binder (either at the top level or within a section in the binder) by sending a DELETE request to the /api/{version}/objects/binders/{id}/documents/{node_id} endpoint.

By unlinking the document, you remove it from the specified location within the binder, this does not actually delete the document from Vault.

For example:

$ curl -X DELETE -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \


On success, Vault returns the node ID of the removed document node


  "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
  "id": "1365798869626"


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Error Type Description
INVALID_BINDER ID passed is not for a binder
INVALID_DOCUMENT Document ID is not present

Version History

Since: v5.0


Documents can have different roles available to them depending on their document type and lifecycles. Roles are important in that users and groups get assigned to document roles both at document creation time as well as during document workflows. There are a set of default roles that ship with Vault: Owner, Coordinator, Editor, Approver, Reviewer, Viewer, and Consumer. In addition there can be custom roles defined per lifecycle that reflect business roles that are particular to a document type. Regardless of how a role was assigned, they have specific permissions on a document based on a lifecycle state. Through the Roles APIs, you can retrieve available roles for a document, determine who can be assigned to the role, default users that get assigned automatically within the Vault UI, and who is currently assigned to the role. You can also add additional users and groups to a role and remove users and groups as needed. Note that all user and group information is returned as IDs and you need to use the "Retrieve User" or "Retrieve Group" API to determine the name, etc.

Retrieve Document Roles

You can retrieve the active available roles for a document, available users and groups for the role, and any defaulted users or groups by sending a GET request to the /api/{version}/objects/documents/{id}/roles endpoint.

This information varies on a per document basis based on the document's lifecycle and associated properties that can alter the available users and groups that can be put in a role.

For example:

$ curl -X GET -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \


On success, Vault returns the list of all active roles assigned to the specified document:

Fields Description
documentRoles[n] List of all active roles assigned to the selected document
-- name Role name (public key)
-- label Role label
-- assignedUsers List of the IDs for all users in the selected role assigned to the document
-- assignedGroups List of the IDs for all groups in the selected role assigned to the document
-- availableUsers List of the IDs for all users available in the selected role
-- availableGroups List of the IDs for all groups available in the selected role
-- defaultUsers List of the default user IDs for the selected role
-- defaultGroups List of the default group IDs for the selected role


    "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "documentRoles": [
. . .
            "name": "reviewer__v",
            "label": "Reviewer",
            "assignedUsers": [],
            "assignedGroups": [],
            "availableUsers": [
            "availableGroups": [
            "defaultUsers": [],
            "defaultGroups": []
            "name": "archivist__c",
            "label": "Archivist",
            "assignedUsers": [],
            "assignedGroups": [],
            "availableUsers": [
            "availableGroups": [
            "defaultUsers": [],
            "defaultGroups": []
. . .


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Version History

Since: v5.0

Retrieve Document Role Assignments

You can retrieve the users and groups assigned to a particular role on a document by sending a GET request to the /api/{version}/objects/documents/{id}/roles/{name} endpoint.

For example:

$ curl -X GET -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \


On success, Vault returns the users and groups assigned to a particular role on a specified document:

Fields Description
documentRoles[1] Contains the active roles assigned to the document for a specific role
-- name Role name (public key)
-- label Role label
-- assignedUsers List of the IDs for all users in the selected role assigned to the document
-- assignedGroups List of the IDs for all groups in the selected role assigned to the document
-- availableUsers List of the IDs for all users available in the selected role
-- availableGroups List of the IDs for all groups available in the selected role
-- defaultUsers List of the default user IDs for the selected role
-- defaultGroups List of the default group IDs for the selected role


    "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "responseMessage": "Document role retrieved",
    "documentRoles": [
            "name": "reviewer__v",
            "label": "Reviewer",
            "assignedUsers": [],
            "assignedGroups": [],
            "availableUsers": [
            "availableGroups": [
            "defaultUsers": [],
            "defaultGroups": []


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Error Type Description
ROLE_NOT_FOUND Role of name [name] was not found

Version History

Since: v5.0

Assign Users/Groups to Role

You can add a user or group to a document by assigning them to an available role for the document by sending a POST request to the /api/{version}/objects/documents/{id}/roles endpoint.

For example:

$ curl -X POST -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \
-d "consumer__v.users=19376,18234,19456&legal__c.groups=19365,18923"

Request Parameters

Provide lists of users or groups and their corresponding roles in the form of {role_name}.{"users"|"groups"}=ID1,ID2 for example:

  • consumer__v.users=19376,18234,19456
  • legal__c.groups=19365,18923
Fields Description
{role_name}.users [optional] Name (public key) of the role to which you're adding a user with ".users" appended to indicate that the ID is for a user
{role_name}.groups [optional] Name (public key) of the role to which you're adding a group with ".groups" appended to indicate that the ID is for a group

Note that if the role is not available for the document or the user/group is not allowed for the role, the API will skip assigning that user/group but will attempt other users/groups in the request. You will need to confirm the list of role:ID pairs returned in the results with the requested roles to ensure all users and groups were successfully added.


On success, Vault returns a list of role:ID pairs for each of the successfully added users or groups.

  "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
  "responseMessage": "Document roles updated",
  "updatedRoles": {
    "consumer__v": {
      "users": [
    "legal__c": {
      "groups": [


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Version History

Since: v5.0

Delete User/Group from Role

You can delete a selected user or group from a document's role by sending a DELETE request to the /api/{version}/objects/documents/{id}/roles/{role_name}.{"user"|"group"}/{user ID | group ID} endpoint.

For example:

$ curl -X DELETE -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \


On success, Vault returns the ID of the deleted user.


  "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
  "responseMessage": "User/group deleted from document role",
  "updatedRoles": {
    "consumer__v": {
      "users": [


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Error Type Description
ROLE_NOT_FOUND Role of name [role_name] was not found
USER_OR_GROUP_NOT_FOUND User or group of ID [user/group ID] was not assigned to role [role_name]

Version History

Since: v5.0


The users object represents the actual users of Veeva Vault. This API lets you create, retrieve, update and delete users in the Vault domain as well as manage the users in the specific Vault application.

User Metadata

The users object consists of the following fields:

Field Description
id The user's ID
user_name__v The user's Vault username in the given Vault domain formatted as email address
user_first_name__v The user's first name
user_last_name__v The user's last name
user_email__v The user's email address
user_timezone__v The user's timezone. The valid values are included in the output of the "User Metadata" API
user_locale__v The user's locale. The valid values are included in the output of the "User Metadata" API
user_language__v The user's language. The valid values are included in the output of the "User Metadata" API
user_title__v The user's title
office_phone__v The user's office phone number
fax__v The user's fax number
mobile_phone__v The user's mobile number
company__v The user's company name
site__v The user's site/location
is_domain_admin__v Indicates if user is a domain administrator
active__v Indicates if the user is active in the current Vault application
domain_active__v Indicates if the user is active in the Vault domain
security_policy_id__v The user's security policy. The valid values are included in the output of the "Security Policy Retrieval" API
user_type_id__v The user's user type ID in the current Vault application. The valid values are included in the output of the "User Metadata" API
user_needs_to_change_password__v Whether user needs to change their password on next login
group_id__v The list of groups the user is a member of
domain_id__v The ID of the Vault domain the user is a member of
vault_id__v The list of Vault applications the user is a member of
federated_id__v The user's federated ID to be used in SAML Single Sign-on scenario
salesforce_user_name__v The user's username to be used in Salesforce Delegated Auth scenario
medidata_user_email__v The user's Medidata email to be used in Medidata Delegated Auth scenario
last_login__v Timestamp when the user last logged into Vault
created_date__v Timestamp when the user was created in the Vault domain
created_by__v The user ID of the user who created this user in the Vault domain
modified_date__v Timestamp when the user was last modified in the Vault domain
modified_by__v The user ID of the user who last modified this user in the Vault domain

Retrieve User Metadata

You can retrieve the user metadata by sending the GET request to the /api/{version}/metadata/objects/users endpoint.

For example:

$ curl -X GET -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \


On success, Vault returns the list of user properties, each property is described with this metadata field information:

Field Description
name Name (public key) of the property
type Data type of property (id,ObjectReference, String, Calendar, Boolean)
object The object type when type is set to ObjectReference
multivalue Indicates if the property is multi-valued
queryable Indicates if the property is exposed in query
length Maximum number of characters for the property value
required indicates if the property is required
onCreateEditable Indicates if the property can only be set on user creation
editable Indicates if the property is editable


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Version History

Since: v1.0

Create User

You can creates a new user in the Vault domain and/or the current Vault application by sending POST request to /api/{version}/objects/users endpoint.

  • The HTTP Request Header Content-Type must be set to multipart/form-data.
  • Refer to the output of the "User Metadata" API for the request parameters. Only properties marked as "onCreateEditable": true are valid for the user creation, only those that are marked as "required": true must be set.
  • To upload a profile picture file, use multi-part attachment with the file component named file.

Domain Level User Management

The Domain Administrators are able to create users in the Vault domain without adding them to a Vault application by including additional request parameter domain set to true. When creating users in the domain only, active__v and user_type_id__v properties are not required.


On success, Vault returns the ID of the newly created user.


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Version History

Since: v1.0
v7.0: domain-level properties supported
v8.0: domain_active__v property cannot be set during User creation

Retrieve Users

You can retrieve the users in the Vault domain and/or the current Vault application by sending a GET request to the /api/{version}/objects/users endpoint.

For example:

$ curl -X GET -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \

The Administrators are allowed to access user's profile information across the Vault domain. The Domain Administrators are additionally allowed to access user's Vault membership information across the Vault domain.

Request Parameters

The Administrators (System Administrator, Vault Owner) are able to access user information across the domain by including optional query string parameter vaults set as following:

  • all Return users across entire domain
  • -1 Return users across entire domain excluding current Vault instance
  • comma-delimited Vault application IDs. Return users from Vault instances included in the list

The Administrator must have administrative access to Vault application referenced in the vaults parameter to be able to access users from that Vault. Domain Administrator have unrestricted access to all users in the Domain domain.


On success, Vault returns the properties of the users

The response supports pagination. By default the page limit is set to 200 records. The pagination parameters are:

Field Description
limit [optional, default is 200] the size of the result set in the page
start [optional, default is 0] the starting record number
sort [optional, default is "id asc"] the sort order for the result set (asc - ascending, desc - descending) (e.g. user_name__v asc)

Administrators (System Administrator, Vault Owner) can access user's Vault membership from vault_membership field in each of the user records. The Domain Administrators additionally can access user's user_type__v and active__v status in each of the Vault instances.


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Version History

Since: v1.0
v7.0: added support for accessing the user information across the domain for Administrators

Retrieve User

You can retrieve the user record by sending the GET request to the /api/{version}/objects/users/{id} endpoint.

For example:

$ curl -X GET -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \


On success, Vault returns the properties of the specified user


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Version History

Since: v1.0

Update User

You can updates the user record in the Domain and/or the current Vault application by sending a PUT request to the /api/{version}/objects/users/{id} endpoint.

Request Parameters

Refer to the output of the "User Metadata" API for the request parameters. Only properties marked as "editable=true are valid for the user update. The API currently does not support the update of profile pictures.

Domain Level User Management

Administrators (System Administrator, Vault Owner) are able to update users in the Vault applications where they have administrative access. Domain Administrators have an unrestricted access to users in the entire Domain.

To activate/deactivate the user at the Domain level, domain_active__v property can be set to respective boolean value. Disabling the user (i.e. setting domain_active__v to false) at the domain level will disable the user in every Vault in the domain. Re-enabling the user, on the other hand, will only re-enable them at the domain level. This property is only editable by the Domain Administrator users.

To promote the user to Domain Admin, is_domain_admin__v property can be set to true. Only a Domain Administrator user is capable of promoting another domain user to Domain Admin role. Similarly, to demote the user from Domain Admin, domain_admin__v property can be set to false. Only Domain Admin user can demote a user. The Domain Admin can demote it's own user record only if there is another active Domain Admin user in the domain.


On success, Vault returns the id of the updated user.


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Version History

Since: v1.0
v7.0: Domain-level user management is supported

Disable User

You can disables the user in the Domain or the current Vault application by sending a DELETE request to the /api/{version}/objects/users/{id} endpoint.

By default the user is disabled at Vault level. The Domain Administrator users can optionally disable the user at the domain level by setting domain request parameter to true, affecting the user's status in every Vault application in the domain.

For example:

$ curl -X DELETE -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \


On success, Vault returns the ID of the disabled user


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Version History

Since: v1.0
v7.0: Domain-level user management is supported

Change Password

You can change your password by sending the POST request to the /api/{version}/objects/users/{id}/password endpoint.

$ curl -X POST -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \
-d "password__v=CurrentPassword&new_password__v=NewPassword" \

Request Parameters

Field Description
password__v [required] Current password
new_password__v [required] New password


On success, Vault changes the password and returns SUCCESS.


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Error Type Description
INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS User attempted to change someone else's password
PARAMETER_REQUIRED The required parameter was not specified.
  • User has typed a password that does not validate against Vault validation rules
  • User has typed a new password that is the same as the old password
  • The user had specified an invalid password__v for their account

Version History

Since: v7.0

Update Vault Membership

You can manage the user's Vault membership in the domain by sending the PUT request to the /api/{version}/objects/users/{id}/vault_membership/{vaultId} endpoint.

NOTE: Accessible only to Administrator users

Through this API it is possible to:

  • add a domain user to a Vault
  • deactivate user's Vault membership in a specified Vault
  • manage user's user type in a specified Vault

Request Parameters

Field Description
user_type_id__v [optional, default: 2, Document User] The user's user type ID in the specified Vault. The Vault ID values are included in the output of the "Domain Information" API
active__v [optional default: true] Indicates if the user is active in the specified Vault instance


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Error Type Description
  • A non-Domain Admin user is updating a domain user in Vault they do not have access to
  • A non-admin user is attempting to access this endpoint
  • A Domain Admin is attempting change user type for another domain admin user
  • A Domain Admin user is attempted to be deactivated
INVALID_DATA User is providing an invalid value for the user type

Version History

Since: v7.0


The groups object represents the Groups in Veeva Vault. This API lets you create, retrieve, update and delete groups in Vault as well as manage the users in these groups.

Group Metadata

The groups object consists of the following fields:

Field Description
id The group ID
group_name__v The group name
group_description__v The group description
members__v The list of user IDs of users who are members of this group
active__v Indicates if this group is active
system_group__v Indicates if this group is a system managed group
created_date__v Timestamp when the group was created
created_by__v The user ID of the user who created the group
modified_date__v Timestamp when the group was last modified
modified_by__v The user ID of the user who last modified the group

Retrieve Group Metadata

You can retrieve the group metadata by sending the GET request to the /api/{version}/metadata/objects/groups endpoint.

For example:

$ curl -X GET -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \


On success, Vault returns the list of group properties, each property is described with this metadata field information:

Field Description
name Name (public key) of the property
type Data type of property (id,ObjectReference, String, Calendar, Boolean)
object The object type when type is set to ObjectReference
multivalue Indicates if the property is multi-valued
queryable Indicates if the property is exposed in query
length Maximum number of characters for the property value
required Indicates if the property is required
onCreateEditable Indicates if the property can only be set on group creation
editable Indicates if the property is editable


    "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "properties": [
            "name": "id",
            "type": "id",
            "length": 20,
            "editable": false,
            "queryable": true,
            "required": true,
            "multivalue": false,
            "onCreateEditable": false
            "name": "group_name__v",
            "type": "String",
            "length": 255,
            "editable": true,
            "queryable": true,
            "required": true,
            "multivalue": false,
            "onCreateEditable": true
            "name": "group_description__v",
            "type": "String",
            "length": 200,
            "editable": true,
            "queryable": true,
            "required": false,
            "multivalue": false,
            "onCreateEditable": true
            "name": "system_group__v",
            "type": "Boolean",
            "length": 1,
            "editable": false,
            "queryable": true,
            "required": false,
            "multivalue": false,
            "onCreateEditable": false
            "name": "created_date__v",
            "type": "Calendar",
            "length": 0,
            "editable": false,
            "queryable": true,
            "required": true,
            "multivalue": false,
            "onCreateEditable": false
            "name": "created_by__v",
            "type": "ObjectReference",
            "length": 20,
            "object": "users",
            "editable": false,
            "queryable": true,
            "required": true,
            "multivalue": false,
            "onCreateEditable": false
            "name": "modified_date__v",
            "type": "Calendar",
            "length": 0,
            "editable": false,
            "queryable": true,
            "required": true,
            "multivalue": false,
            "onCreateEditable": false
            "name": "modified_by__v",
            "type": "ObjectReference",
            "length": 20,
            "object": "users",
            "editable": false,
            "queryable": true,
            "required": true,
            "multivalue": false,
            "onCreateEditable": false
            "name": "members__v",
            "type": "ObjectReference",
            "length": 20,
            "object": "users",
            "editable": true,
            "queryable": false,
            "required": true,
            "multivalue": true,
            "onCreateEditable": true
            "name": "active__v",
            "type": "Boolean",
            "length": 1,
            "editable": true,
            "queryable": true,
            "required": true,
            "multivalue": false,
            "onCreateEditable": false


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Version History

Since: v1.0

Create Group

You can create a group by sending a POST request to the /api/{version}/objects/groups endpoint.

For example:

$ curl -X POST -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \
-d "group_name__v=Clinical Reviewers&members__v=25515,26180" \

Request Parameters

Refer to the output of the "Retrieve Group Metadata" API for request parameters. Only those properties that are marked as "onCreateEditable": true are valid for group creation, only those that are marked as "required": true must be set.


On success, Vault returns the ID of the newly created group


  "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
  "responseMessage": "Group successfully created.",
  "id": 1367526751338


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Version History

Since: v1.0

Retrieve Groups

You can retrieve a collection of all groups by sending a GET request to the /api/{version}/objects/groups endpoint.

For example:

$ curl -X GET -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \


On success, Vault returns the list of groups and their properties.


    "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "groups": [
. . .
            "group": {
                "id": 4,
                "group_name__v": "Business Administrators",
                "active__v": true,
                "members__v": [
                "created_by__v": 1,
                "group_description__v": "All Business Administrators (System managed group)",
                "modified_date__v": "2014-01-28T05:51:16.000Z",
                "modified_by__v": 25507,
                "system_group__v": true,
                "created_date__v": "2013-12-09T23:32:20.000Z"
            "group": {
                "id": 3,
                "group_name__v": "Document Users",
                "active__v": true,
                "members__v": [
                "created_by__v": 1,
                "group_description__v": "All Document Users (System managed group)",
                "modified_date__v": "2013-12-20T07:24:18.000Z",
                "modified_by__v": 1,
                "system_group__v": true,
                "created_date__v": "2013-12-09T23:32:20.000Z"
            "group": {
                "id": 1386631968013,
                "group_name__v": "External Users",
                "active__v": true,
                "members__v": [],
                "created_by__v": 1,
                "group_description__v": "All External Users (System managed group)",
                "modified_date__v": "2013-12-09T23:32:48.000Z",
                "modified_by__v": 1,
                "system_group__v": true,
                "created_date__v": "2013-12-09T23:32:48.000Z"
. . .        


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Version History

Since: v1.0

Retrieve Group

You can retrieve the specified group and its properties by sending the GET request to the /api/{version}/objects/groups/{id} endpoint.

For example:

$ curl -X GET -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \


On success, Vault returns the properties of the specified group.


    "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "groups": [
            "group": {
                "id": 3,
                "group_name__v": "Document Users",
                "active__v": true,
                "members__v": [
                "created_by__v": 1,
                "group_description__v": "All Document Users (System managed group)",
                "modified_date__v": "2013-12-20T07:24:18.000Z",
                "modified_by__v": 1,
                "system_group__v": true,
                "created_date__v": "2013-12-09T23:32:20.000Z"


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Version History

Since: v1.0

Update Group

You can update the properties of the specified group by sending a PUT request to the /api/{version}/objects/groups/{id} endpoint.

For example:

$ curl -X PUT -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \
-d "group_name__v=Reviewers" \

Request Parameters

Refer to the output of the "Retrieve Group Metadata" API for the request parameters. Only properties marked as "editable=true are valid for the group update.


On success, Vault returns the ID of the updated group.

  "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
  "responseMessage": "Group successfully updated.",
  "id": 27


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Version History

Since: v1.0

Delete Group

You can delete a group by sending a DELETE request to the /api/{version}/objects/groups/{id} endpoint.

For example:

$ curl -X DELETE -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \


On success, Vault returns the ID of the deleted group


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Version History

Since: v3.0

Vault Objects

This API provides access to Vault Objects and the object data records.

NOTE: The Vault Objects API replaces the deprecated Catalogs API in Vault v8.

Object Metadata

The object consists of the following metadata:

Field Description
created_by the ID of the user who created the object
created_date the object creation timestamp in UTC format
modified_by the ID of the user who last modified the object
modified_date the object last modified timestamp in UTC format
name the unique object identifier
prefix the prefix used in object record IDs
source the source of object creation: standard, sample, custom
label the UI-friendly object label
label_plural the plural version of the UI-friendly object label
status the status of the object: active__v, inactive__v
in_menu whether the object is listed in Vault menu
help_content the short help describing the object
description the description of the object
order the order in which the object is listed
auditable wether the audit events are created when object records are manupulated
role_overrides whether the security overrided are enabled on the object record
urls the hypermedia URLs to use to access details of the object and object records
-- field the URL to use to access and manage object field(s)
-- record the URL to use to access and manage a single object record(s)
-- list the URL to use to access the collection of object records
-- metadata the URL to use to access the object metadata
relationships the relationships defined by this object (only returned if relationships defined)
-- object the name of the related object
-- field the name of the field in the related object that holds the reference
-- type the relationship type
-- label_plural the plural version of the UI-friendly related object label
fields the fields defined by this object
-- created_by the ID of the user who created the field
-- created_date the field creation timestamp in UTC format
-- modified_by the ID of the user who last modified the field
-- modified_date the field last modified timestamp in UTC format
-- name the unique field identifier
-- source the source of field creation: standard, sample, custom
-- label the UI-friendly field label
-- type the type of data that can be stored by the field
-- object the summary of the related object details (only returned if field type is Object)
---- url the URL to use to access the object metadata
---- name the unique object identifier
---- label the UI-friendly object label
---- label_plural the plural version of the UI-friendly object label
-- relationship the relationship type specified by the field: Parent, Reference (only returned if field type is Object)
-- status the status of the field: active__v, inactive__v
-- required whether it is required to provide the data in the object record
-- editable whether it is allowed to update the data in the object record
-- help_content the short help describing the field
-- list_column whether the field is listed in Vault UI tables and shows up in API record collections
-- order the order in which the field is listed in the Vault UI forms
-- picklist for field of type Picklist, the name of the Picklist containing the possible values
-- multi_value for fields of type Picklist, whether multiple values can be selected for field in the object record

Retrieve Object Collection

You can retrieve the collection of objects by sending a GET request to the /api/{VERSION}/metadata/vobjects endpoint. For example:

$ curl -X GET -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \ 

The response body is a collection containing summaries of all objects exposed by the VOF. Each summary in the collection consists of:

Field Description
url the hypermedia URL to the object metadata details
name the unique object identifier
label the UI-friendly object label
label_plural the plural version of the UI-friendly object label
source the source of object creation: standard, sample, custom
in_menu whether the object is listed in Vault Business Admin menu

For example:

    "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "objects": [
            "url": "/api/v8.0/metadata/vobjects/product__v",
            "label": "Product",
            "name": "product__v",
            "source": "standard",
            "label_plural": "Products",
            "in_menu": true
            "url": "/api/v8.0/metadata/vobjects/country__v",
            "label": "Country",
            "name": "country__v",
            "source": "standard",
            "label_plural": "Countries",
            "in_menu": true
            "url": "/api/v8.0/metadata/vobjects/study__v",
            "label": "Study",
            "name": "study__v",
            "source": "standard",
            "label_plural": "Studies",
            "in_menu": true
            "url": "/api/v8.0/metadata/vobjects/location__v",
            "label": "Location",
            "name": "location__v",
            "source": "standard",
            "label_plural": "Locations",
            "in_menu": true
            "url": "/api/v8.0/metadata/vobjects/site__v",
            "label": "Site",
            "name": "site__v",
            "source": "standard",
            "label_plural": "Sites",
            "in_menu": false

Localized Data

You can retrieve the localized strings for the following metadata fields: label, label_plural. To request the localized data include the loc query string parameter set to true on the endpoint URL. For example:

$ curl -X GET -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \ 

When the localized data is requested, the response will contain additional field localized_data containing the the map with localized strings for each of the localized fields. This data is available only if localized string are configured.

. . .
"localized_data": {
    "label_plural": {
        "en": "Sites"
    "label": {
        "de": "Durchführungsort",
        "zh": "试验中心",
        "it": "Sede",
        "fr": "Site",
        "en": "Site",
        "ru": "Исследовательский центр",
        "es": "Sitio",
        "ja": "サイト"
. . .

Retrieve Object

You can retrieve the object metadata by sending the GET request to the /api/{VERSION}/metadata/vobjects/{NAME} endpoint. For example:

$ curl -X GET -H "Authorization: ${SESSION_ID}" \ 

The response body consists of the detailed metadata.

For example:

    "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "object": {
        "created_by": 1,
        "created_date": "2013-12-10T00:00:09.000Z",
        "auditable": true,
        "modified_date": "2013-12-10T00:00:09.000Z",
        "status": [
        "urls": {
            "field": "/api/v8.0/metadata/vobjects/study__v/fields/{name}",
            "record": "/api/v8.0/vobjects/study__v/{id}",
            "list": "/api/v8.0/vobjects/study__v",
            "metadata": "/api/v8.0/metadata/vobjects/study__v"
        "label_plural": "Studies",
        "label": "Study",
        "in_menu": true,
        "help_content": null,
        "source": "standard",
        "order": null,
        "modified_by": 1,
        "description": null,
        "name": "study__v",
        "relationships": [
                "object": "site__v",
                "field": "study_number__v",
                "type": "child",
                "label_plural": "Sites"
        "fields": [
                "created_by": 1,
                "created_date": "2013-12-10T00:00:10.000Z",
                "list_column": false,
                "modified_date": "2013-12-10T00:00:10.000Z",
                "status": [
                "label": "ID",
                "type": "String",
                "editable": false,
                "help_content": null,
                "order": 0,
                "source": "standard",
                "modified_by": 1,
                "name": "id",
                "required": false
                "created_date": "2013-12-10T00:00:10.000Z",
                "max_length": 100,
                "created_by": 1,
                "list_column": true,
                "unique": true,
                "modified_date": "2013-12-10T00:00:10.000Z",
                "status": [
                "label": "Study Number",
                "type": "String",
                "editable": true,
                "help_content": null,
                "order": 1,
                "source": "standard",
                "modified_by": 1,
                "name": "name__v",
                "required": true
                "created_date": "2013-12-10T00:00:10.000Z",
                "created_by": 1,
                "list_column": false,
                "modified_date": "2013-12-10T00:00:10.000Z",
                "status": [
                "label": "Status",
                "type": "Picklist",
                "editable": true,
                "help_content": null,
                "order": 2,
                "source": "standard",
                "modified_by": 1,
                "name": "status__v",
                "multi_value": false,
                "required": true,
                "picklist": "study_record_status__v"
                "created_date": "2013-12-10T00:00:10.000Z",
                "max_length": 60,
                "created_by": 1,
                "list_column": false,
                "unique": false,
                "modified_date": "2013-12-10T00:00:10.000Z",
                "status": [
                "label": "Alternate Study Number",
                "type": "String",
                "editable": true,
                "help_content": null,
                "order": 3,
                "source": "sample",
                "modified_by": 1,
                "name": "alternate_study_number__v",
                "required": false
                "created_date": "2013-12-10T00:00:10.000Z",
                "created_by": 1,
                "list_column": true,
                "modified_date": "2013-12-10T00:00:10.000Z",
                "status": [
                "label": "Product",
                "object": {
                    "url": "/api/v8.0/metadata/vobjects/product__v",
                    "label": "Product",
                    "name": "product__v",
                    "label_plural": "Products"
                "type": "Object",
                "editable": true,
                "relationship": "Reference",
                "help_content": null,
                "order": 4,
                "source": "standard",
                "modified_by": 1,
                "name": "product__v",
                "required": false
                "created_date": "2013-12-10T00:00:10.000Z",
                "max_length": 500,
                "created_by": 1,
                "list_column": false,
                "unique": false,
                "modified_date": "2013-12-10T00:00:10.000Z",
                "status": [
                "label": "Study Name",
                "type": "String",
                "editable": true,
                "help_content": null,
                "order": 5,
                "source": "sample",
                "modified_by": 1,
                "name": "study_name__v",
                "required": false
                "created_date": "2013-12-10T00:00:10.000Z",
                "created_by": 1,
                "list_column": false,
                "modified_date": "2013-12-10T00:00:10.000Z",
                "status": [
                "label": "Indication",
                "type": "Picklist",
                "editable": true,
                "help_content": null,
                "order": 6,
                "source": "standard",
                "modified_by": 1,
                "name": "indication__v",
                "multi_value": false,
                "required": false,
                "picklist": "indication__vs"
                "created_date": "2013-12-10T00:00:10.000Z",
                "created_by": 1,
                "list_column": false,
                "modified_date": "2013-12-10T00:00:10.000Z",
                "status": [
                "label": "Route of Administration",
                "type": "Picklist",
                "editable": true,
                "help_content": null,
                "order": 7,
                "source": "sample",
                "modified_by": 1,
                "name": "route_of_administration__v",
                "multi_value": false,
                "required": true,
                "picklist": "route_of_administration__vs"
                "created_date": "2013-12-10T00:00:10.000Z",
                "created_by": 1,
                "list_column": true,
                "modified_date": "2013-12-10T00:00:10.000Z",
                "status": [
                "label": "Study Phase",
                "type": "Picklist",
                "editable": true,
                "help_content": null,
                "order": 8,
                "source": "standard",
                "modified_by": 1,
                "name": "study_phase__v",
                "multi_value": false,
                "required": true,
                "picklist": "study_phase__vs"
                "created_date": "2013-12-10T00:00:10.000Z",
                "created_by": 1,
                "list_column": true,
                "modified_date": "2013-12-10T00:00:10.000Z",
                "status": [
                "label": "Study Type",
                "type": "Picklist",
                "editable": true,
                "help_content": null,
                "order": 9,
                "source": "standard",
                "modified_by": 1,
                "name": "study_type__v",
                "multi_value": false,
                "required": true,
                "picklist": "study_type__vs"
                "created_date": "2013-12-10T00:00:11.000Z",
                "created_by": 1,
                "list_column": false,
                "modified_date": "2013-12-10T00:00:11.000Z",
                "status": [
                "label": "Control",
                "type": "Picklist",
                "editable": true,
                "help_content": null,
                "order": 10,
                "source": "standard",
                "modified_by": 1,
                "name": "control__v",
                "multi_value": false,
                "required": true,
                "picklist": "control__vs"
                "created_date": "2013-12-10T00:00:11.000Z",
                "created_by": 1,
                "list_column": false,
                "modified_date": "2013-12-10T00:00:11.000Z",
                "status": [
                "label": "Masking",
                "type": "Picklist",
                "editable": true,
                "help_content": null,
                "order": 11,
                "source": "sample",
                "modified_by": 1,
                "name": "masking__v",
                "multi_value": false,
                "required": false,
                "picklist": "masking__vs"
                "created_date": "2013-12-10T00:00:11.000Z",
                "created_by": 1,
                "scale": 0,
                "list_column": false,
                "modified_date": "2013-12-10T00:00:11.000Z",
                "status": [
                "label": "Enrollment",
                "type": "Number",
                "editable": true,
                "help_content": null,
                "order": 12,
                "source": "sample",
                "modified_by": 1,
                "name": "enrollment__v",
                "max_value": 100000,
                "required": false,
                "min_value": 0
                "created_by": 1,
                "created_date": "2013-12-10T00:00:11.000Z",
                "list_column": false,
                "modified_date": "2013-12-10T00:00:11.000Z",
                "status": [
                "label": "Study Start Date",
                "type": "Date",
                "editable": true,
                "help_content": null,
                "order": 13,
                "source": "sample",
                "modified_by": 1,
                "name": "study_start_date__v",
                "required": false
                "created_by": 1,
                "created_date": "2013-12-10T00:00:11.000Z",
                "list_column": false,
                "modified_date": "2013-12-10T00:00:11.000Z",
                "status": [
                "label": "Planned Study End Date",
                "type": "Date",
                "editable": true,
                "help_content": null,
                "order": 14,
                "source": "sample",
                "modified_by": 1,
                "name": "planned_study_end_date__v",
                "required": false
                "created_date": "2013-12-10T00:00:11.000Z",
                "created_by": 1,
                "list_column": false,
                "modified_date": "2013-12-10T00:00:11.000Z",
                "status": [
                "label": "CRO",
                "type": "Picklist",
                "editable": true,
                "help_content": null,
                "order": 15,
                "source": "sample",
                "modified_by": 1,
                "name": "cro__v",
                "multi_value": false,
                "required": false,
                "picklist": "cro__vs"
                "created_date": "2013-12-10T00:00:11.000Z",
                "created_by": 1,
                "list_column": true,
                "modified_date": "2013-12-10T00:00:11.000Z",
                "status": [
                "label": "Study Status",
                "type": "Picklist",
                "editable": true,
                "help_content": null,
                "order": 16,
                "source": "standard",
                "modified_by": 1,
                "name": "study_status__v",
                "multi_value": false,
                "required": true,
                "picklist": "study_status__vs"
                "created_date": "2013-12-10T00:00:12.000Z",
                "max_length": 50,
                "created_by": 1,
                "list_column": false,
                "unique": true,
                "modified_date": "2013-12-10T00:00:12.000Z",
                "status": [
                "label": "External ID",
                "type": "ExternalID",
                "editable": true,
                "help_content": null,
                "order": 17,
                "source": "standard",
                "modified_by": 1,
                "name": "external_id__v",
                "required": false
                "created_date": "2013-12-10T00:00:12.000Z",
                "created_by": 1,
                "list_column": false,
                "modified_date": "2013-12-10T00:00:12.000Z",
                "status": [
                "label": "Created By",
                "object": {
                    "name": "users"
                "type": "Object",
                "editable": false,
                "relationship": "Reference",
                "help_content": null,
                "order": 18,
                "source": "standard",
                "modified_by": 1,
                "name": "created_by__v",
                "required": false
                "created_by": 1,
                "created_date": "2013-12-10T00:00:12.000Z",
                "list_column": false,
                "modified_date": "2013-12-10T00:00:12.000Z",
                "status": [
                "label": "Created Date",
                "type": "DateTime",
                "editable": false,
                "help_content": null,
                "order": 19,
                "source": "standard",
                "modified_by": 1,
                "name": "created_date__v",
                "required": false
                "created_date": "2013-12-10T00:00:12.000Z",
                "created_by": 1,
                "list_column": false,
                "modified_date": "2013-12-10T00:00:12.000Z",
                "status": [
                "label": "Last Modified By",
                "object": {
                    "name": "users"
                "type": "Object",
                "editable": false,
                "relationship": "Reference",
                "help_content": null,
                "order": 20,
                "source": "standard",
                "modified_by": 1,
                "name": "modified_by__v",
                "required": false
                "created_by": 1,
                "created_date": "2013-12-10T00:00:12.000Z",
                "list_column": false,
                "modified_date": "2013-12-10T00:00:12.000Z",
                "status": [
                "label": "Last Modified Date",
                "type": "DateTime",
                "editable": false,
                "help_content": null,
                "order": 21,
                "source": "standard",
                "modified_by": 1,
                "name": "modified_date__v",
                "required": false

Localized Data

You can retrieve the localized strings for the following metadata fields: label, label_plural and help_content. To request the localized data include the loc query string parameter set to true on the endpoint URL. For example:

$ curl -X GET -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \ 

When the localized data is requested, the response will contain additional field localized_data containing the the map with localized strings for each of the localized fields. This data is Available at the object and/or the field level, and only if localized string are configured.

. . .
"localized_data": {
    "label_plural": {
        "en": "Sites"
    "label": {
        "de": "Durchführungsort",
        "zh": "试验中心",
        "it": "Sede",
        "fr": "Site",
        "en": "Site",
        "ru": "Исследовательский центр",
        "es": "Sitio",
        "ja": "サイト"
. . .


On failure, the response will contain an error response.

Type Message Condition
MALFORMED_URL The resource [RESOURCE] does not exist User is requesting a non-existent resource
METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED Request method 'METHOD' not supported User is requesting a resource with an unsupported HTTP method

Object Field Metadata

The object field consist of the following metadata:

Metadata Field Details Description
created_by system managed the ID of the user who created the field
created_date system managed the field creation timestamp in UTC format
modified_by system managed the ID of the user who last modified the field
modified_date system managed the field last modified timestamp in UTC format
name [optional] string - default: auto-generated based on label, max length 40 chars the unique field identifier
label [required] string - max length 40 chars the UI-friendly field label
type [required] enum the type of data that can be stored by the field, built-in types (ID, String, Number, Boolean, Picklist, Object, Date, DateTime)
source system managed the source of field creation: standard, sample, custom
object system managed the summary of the related object details (only returned if field type is Object)
--url system managed the URL to use to access the object metadata
--name system managed the unique object identifier
--label system managed the UI-friendly object label
--label_plural system managed the plural version of the UI-friendly object label
relationship system managed the relationship type specified by the field: Parent, Reference (only returned if field type is Object)
status [optional] picklist entry - default: active__v the status of the field, possible values: active__v, inactive__v from default_status__v Picklist
required [optional] boolean - default false whether it is required to provide the data in the object record
unique [optional - for data type String] boolean - default false whether the record value stored in this field is unique
editable [optional] boolean - default true whether it is allowed to update the data in the object record
max_value [required - for data type Number] number minimum float value that can be set into the field (max of 9 decimal places)
min_value [required - for data type Number] number maximum float value that can be set into the field (max of 9 decimal places)
max_length [required - for data type String] number - default 20, max 1500 maximum length of the String (for String fields)
scale [required - for data type Number] number - default 0, max 9 number of digits after the decimal point, the value can be at least the largest number of decimal places in either max_value or min_value
help_content [optional] string - max length ??? the short help describing the field
list_column [optional] boolean - default: false whether the field is listed in Vault UI tables and shows up in API record collections
order [optional] number - default: inserted at last position the order in which the field is listed in the Vault UI forms
picklist system managed - set by system to the name of the picklist when type is Picklist for field of type Picklist, the name of the Picklist containing the possible values
multi_value [optional] boolean - default false for fields of type Picklist, whether multiple values can be selected for field in the object record

Retrieve Object Field

You can retrieve the object field metadata by sending the GET request to the /api/{VERSION}/metadata/vobjects/{NAME}/fields/{FIELD} endpoint.

For example:

$ curl -X GET -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \ 


The respons will contain the metadata for a specified object field.

    "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "field": {
        "created_date": "2013-12-30T21:05:15.000Z",
        "max_length": 20,
        "created_by": 25507,
        "list_column": false,
        "unique": false,
        "modified_date": "2013-12-30T21:05:15.000Z",
        "status": [
        "label": "Product",
        "type": "String",
        "editable": true,
        "help_content": null,
        "order": 13,
        "source": "custom",
        "modified_by": 25507,
        "name": "product1__c",
        "required": false

Localized Data

You can retrieve the localized strings for the following metadata fields: label, label_plural and help_content. To request the localized data include the loc query string parameter set to true on the endpoint URL.

For example:

$ curl -X GET -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \ 

Example response with localize data:

    "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "field": {
        "created_date": "2013-12-30T21:05:15.000Z",
        "created_by": 25507,
        "max_length": 20,
        "list_column": false,
        "localized_data": {
            "label": {
                "de": "Produkt",
                "zh": "产品",
                "it": "Prodotto",
                "fr": "Produit",
                "en": "Product",
                "ru": "Продукт",
                "ja": "製品"
        "unique": false,
        "modified_date": "2013-12-30T21:05:15.000Z",
        "status": [
        "label": "Product",
        "type": "String",
        "editable": true,
        "help_content": null,
        "order": 13,
        "source": "custom",
        "modified_by": 25507,
        "name": "product1__c",
        "required": false

Object Records

Retrieve Object Record Collection

You can retrieve a collection of records of specific type by sending the GET request to the /api/{VERSION}/vobjects/{NAME} endpoint.

For example:

$ curl -X GET -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \ 

Limits & Pagination

You may limit the number of records returned in the collection by specifying an alternative limit value. A maximum of 200 object records is returned per call by default. To override this limit, limit query string parameter can be set to the alternative limit. Limits over 200 are ignored and reset back to 200.


$ curl -X GET -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \ 

To paginate over the collection of results, offset query string parameter is used. offset values equaling to a number larger than the total number of records in the collection will not return any records in the collection.

limit and offset must be positive integers

To facilitate implementing the pagination over the collection of records, the result contains previous_page and next_page fields in the resultDetails of the response. These fiels are included only when there are previous or next pages of the result set.


To limit the number of records in the collection to 20 starting with the 20th record of the total result set:

$ curl -X GET -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \ 

To start the collection of records from the 200th record of the total result set. By default 200 records will be returned since alternate limit is not specified:

$ curl -X GET -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \ 


You may request particular fields to be returned for each object record. For this, fields query string parameter can be set to a comma-delimited list of object field names.


$ curl -X GET -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \ 

If the fields parameter is present on the query string but contains no value, it's presence is ignored and only the default set of fields is returned.

If the fields parameter contains an invalid field (or set of fields), an INVALID_DATA error is returned.


You may request the collection of results to be sorted. For this, sort query string parameter can be set to the field name by which the collection of results shall be sorted. Sorting requires the sort direction to be specifed: asc for ascending (default), desc for descending.


To sort the collection of results by name__v in ascending order:

$ curl -X GET -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \ 
https://{CUSTOMER}{VERSION}/vobjects/{NAME}?sort=name__v asc


The response will contain a collection of object record summaries.

Example Response:

    "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "responseDetails": {
        "total": 6,
        "limit": 2,
        "previous_page": "/api/v8.0/vobjects/product__v?limit=2&offset=0",
        "next_page": "/api/v8.0/vobjects/product__v?limit=2&offset=4",
        "object": {
            "url": "/api/v8.0/metadata/vobjects/product__v",
            "label": "Product",
            "name": "product__v",
            "label_plural": "Products"
        "offset": 2,
        "url": "/api/v8.0/vobjects/product__v?limit=2&offset=2"
    "data": [
            "id": "00P000000000102",
            "name__v": "WonderDrug"
            "id": "cholecap",
            "name__v": "Cholecap"


On failure, the response will contain an error response.

Type Message Condition
INVALID_DATA Invalid sort field [{field}] Attempting to sort by an invalid/non-existent field
INVALID_DATA Invalid value [{value}[,{value}]] specified for parameter [fields] Attempting to provide a list of fields on the query string but one or more fields are invalid
MALFORMED_URL The resource [{NAME}] does not exist Attempting to request a non-existent object record collection
METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED Request method '{METHOD}' not supported Attempting to request a resource with an unsupported HTTP Method

Retrieve Object Record

You can retrieve a specific object record by sending the GET request to the /api/{VERSION}/vobjects/{NAME}/{ID} endpoint.

For example:

$ curl -X GET -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \ 


The response contains a complete set of object fields as defined by the object's metadata.

Example Response:

    "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "responseDetails": {
        "object": {
            "url": "/api/v8.0/metadata/vobjects/product__v",
            "label": "Product",
            "name": "product__v",
            "label_plural": "Products"
        "url": "/api/v8.0/vobjects/product__v/00P000000000105"
    "data": {
        "external_id__v": null,
        "generic_name__v": null,
        "product_abbreviation__vs": null,
        "internal_name__v": null,
        "product_family__v": null,
        "therapeutic_area__v": null,
        "created_date__v": "2013-12-31T19:38:28.000Z",
        "id": "00P000000000105",
        "status__v": [
        "created_by__v": 25507,
        "modified_date__v": "2013-12-31T19:38:28.000Z",
        "inn__v": null,
        "modified_by__v": 25507,
        "compound_id__v": null,
        "name__v": "Test Product",
        "testdate__c": null


On failure, the response will contain an error response.

Type Message Condition
MALFORMED_URL The resource [{NAME}] does not exist Attempting to request a non-existent object record
METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED Request method {METHOD} not supported Attempting to request a resource with an unsupported HTTP Method

Create Object Record

See Bulk Object Records API.

Update Object Record

See Bulk Object Records API.

Delete Object Record

Send a DELETE request to the /api/{VERSION}/vobjects/{NAME}/{ID} endpoint.

Request Headers

  • JSON is the default response format (application/json).
  • To request an XML response, set the HTTP Request Header Accept to application/xml.

Request Parameters

  • {NAME} - The name__v field value of the object.
  • {ID} - The id field value of the object record to be deleted.

Example Request

$ curl -X DELETE -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \

Example Response

    "responseStatus": "SUCCESS"

Possible Errors

On failure, the response displays an error type and message describing the error.

Version History

Available in API v8.0 or later.

Bulk Object Records API

Bulk Object Records API Method API Endpoint Input Output Batch Size Available in API
Create Object Records POST /api/{VERSION}/vobjects/{NAME} CSV, JSON CSV, JSON 1-500 v8.0 or later
Update Object Records PUT /api/{VERSION}/vobjects/{NAME} CSV, JSON CSV, JSON 1-500 v8.0 or later

Create Object Records in Bulk

Send a POST request to the /api/{VERSION}/vobjects/{NAME} endpoint.

Available in API v8.0 or later.

Update Object Records in Bulk

Send a PUT request to the /api/{VERSION}/vobjects/{NAME} endpoint.

Available in API v8.0 or later.


The Catalogs API is deprecated as of API v8.0
Use "Vault Objects" API instead.


The Picklists API allows you to manage the values that appear in your vault's picklist fields. The API does not support creating or updating the picklists themselves, this must be done in the Admin UI. Learn about managing picklists.

Retrieve All Picklists

Use this request to retrieve a list of all standard and custom picklists in your vault.

Method & Endpoint

Send a GET request to the /api/{VERSION}/objects/picklists endpoint.

Request Headers

  • JSON is the default response format (application/json).
  • To request an XML response, set the HTTP Request Header Accept to application/xml.

Example Request

$ curl -X GET -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \

Example Response (abridged)

  "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
  "responseMessage": "Success",
  "errorCodes": null,
  "picklists": [
      "name": "audience__vs",
      "label": "Audience",
      "kind": "document",
      "usedIn": [
          "documentTypeName": "promotional_piece__vs",
          "propertyName": "audience__vs"
      "name": "claim_category__vs",
      "label": "Claim Category",
      "kind": "document",
      "usedIn": [
          "documentTypeName": "claim__vs",
          "propertyName": "claim_category__vs"
      "name": "language__v",
      "label": "Language",
      "kind": "document",
      "system": true,
      "usedIn": [
          "documentTypeName": "base_document__v",
          "propertyName": "language__v"
      "name": "product_family__vs",
      "label": "Product Family",
      "kind": "object",
      "usedIn": [
          "objectName": "product__v",
          "propertyName": "product_family__vs"
      "name": "regions__c",
      "label": "Regions",
      "kind": "object",
      "usedIn": [
          "objectName": "product__v",
          "propertyName": "regions__c"
      "name": "therapeutic_area__vs",
      "label": "Therapeutic Area",
      "kind": "object",
      "usedIn": [
          "objectName": "product__v",
          "propertyName": "therapeutic_area__vs"
      "name": "license_type__v",
      "label": "License Type",
      "kind": "user",
      "system": true
  "errorType": null

Response Details

The response lists the names and labels of all picklists configured in your vault. These include the following picklist properties:

Picklist Property Description Comments
name Picklist Name The name of the picklist, e.g., study_status__vs.
label Picklist Label The label of the picklist as seen in the UI, e.g., "Study Status".
system System (true/false) Indicates if the picklist is system-managed.
kind Picklist Kind - document picklists are used in document fields.
- object picklists are used in object fields.
- global picklists are used in milestone_type__v fields (eTMF Vaults).
- user picklists are used in user fields.
usedIn Used In For document picklists, this indicates:
- the document type in which the picklist is defined (see documentTypeName).
- the related field name (see propertyName).
For object picklists, this indicates:
- the object in which the picklist is defined (see objectName).
- the related field name (see propertyName).
For global picklists, this indicates:
- both the document type and the object in which the picklist is defined.
- the related field names for each (see propertyName).
documentTypeName Document Type Name For document and global picklists, this the document type name in which the picklist is defined.
objectName Object Name For object picklists, this is the object name in which the picklist is defined.
For global picklists, the object is milestone__v (eTMF vaults).
propertyName Property Name For document picklists, this is the document field name using the picklist.
For object picklists, this is the object field name using the picklist.
For global picklists, this is the milestone_type__v picklist (eTMF vaults).

Possible Errors

On failure, the response displays an error type and message describing the error. Refer to the API Errors section below for additional information.

Version History

Available in API v4.0 or later.

Retrieve Picklist Values

Use this request to retrieve all values (names and labels) currently configured on an existing picklist in your vault.

Method & Endpoint

Send a GET request to the /api/{VERSION}/objects/picklists/{NAME} endpoint.

Request Headers

  • JSON is the default response format (application/json).
  • To request an XML response, set the HTTP Request Header Accept to application/xml.

Request Parameters

  • {NAME} - The name of the existing picklist to which you're adding new values (language__v, therapeutic_area__vs, regions__c, etc.).
  • To see all picklists configured in your vault, use the "Retrieve All Picklists" endpoint above.

Example Request

$ curl -X GET -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \

Example Response

  "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
  "responseMessage": "Success",
  "picklistValues": [
      "name": "europe__c",
      "label": "Europe"
      "name": "asia_pacific__c",
      "label": "Asia Pacific"
      "name": "australasia__c",
      "label": "Australasia"
      "name": "middle_east__c",
      "label": "Middle East"

Possible Errors

On failure, the response displays an error type and message describing the error. Refer to the API Errors section below for additional information.

Version History

Available in API v4.0 or later.

Create Picklist Values

Use this request to add new values to an existing picklist. You can add up to 1024 values to any picklist.

Method & Endpoint

Send a POST request to the /api/{VERSION}/objects/picklists/{NAME} endpoint.

Request Headers

  • To specify the input format, set the HTTP Request Header Content-Type to application/x-www-form-urlencoded (name-value pair input).
  • JSON is the default response format (application/json).
  • To request an XML response, set the HTTP Request Header Accept to application/xml.

Request Parameters

  • {NAME} - The name of the existing picklist to which you're adding new values (language__v, therapeutic_area__vs, regions__c, etc.).
  • To see all picklists configured in your vault, use the "Retrieve All Picklists" endpoint above.
  • To see all names and labels currently configured on an existing picklist, use the "Retrieve Picklist Values" endpoint above.

Name-Value Pair Input Requirements

  • To add new values, use the picklist property name (value_1=, value_2=, value_3=, etc.).
  • Enter new picklist value labels as they will be displayed in the UI. Example: "value_1=North America" (surrounded by double-quotes).

Example Request

$ curl -X POST -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \
-H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
-d "value_1=North America" \
-d "value_2=Central America" \
-d "value_3=South America" \

Example Response

  "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
  "responseMessage": "Created picklist value(s).",
  "picklistValues": [
      "name": "north_america__c",
      "label": "North America"
      "name": "central_america__c",
      "label": "Central America"
      "name": "south_america__c",
      "label": "South America"

Possible Errors

On failure, the response displays an error type and message describing the error. Refer to the API Errors section below for additional information.

Version History

Available in API v4.0 or later.

Update Picklist Value Label

Use this request to update the labels (only) for existing picklist values in your vault.

CAUTION: This may break existing integrations that access picklist values via the API. Use caution when editing picklist labels. When these attributes are changed, they affect all existing document and object metadata that refer to the picklist. For users in the UI who are accustomed to seeing a particular selection (picklist label), the changes may also cause confusion.

Method & Endpoint

Send a PUT request to the /api/{VERSION}/objects/picklists/{NAME} endpoint.

Request Headers

  • To specify the input format, set the HTTP Request Header Content-Type to application/x-www-form-urlencoded (name-value pair input).
  • JSON is the default response format (application/json).
  • To request an XML response, set the HTTP Request Header Accept to application/xml.

Request Parameters

  • {NAME} - The name of the existing picklist to which you're updating labels (language__v, therapeutic_area__vs, regions__c, etc.).
  • To see all picklists configured in your vault, use the "Retrieve All Picklists" endpoint above.
  • To see all names and labels currently configured on an existing picklist, use the "Retrieve Picklist Values" endpoint above.

Name-Value Pair Input Requirements

  • To change existing values, use the existing picklist name (north_america__c=, central_america__c=, etc.) and enter new labels as they will be displayed in the UI.
  • For example, to change the label of the existing "north_america__c=North America", enter "north_america__c=North America/United States".

Example Request

$ curl -X PUT -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \
-H "Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded" \
-d "north_america__c=North America/United States" \

Example Response

  "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
  "responseMessage": "Updated picklist value(s).",
  "picklistValues": [
      "name": "north_america__c",
      "label": "North America/United States"

As shown above, only the picklist value label has been changed. The picklist value name remains the same. All documents and objects that refer to the specified picklist value will be updated as well.

Possible Errors

On failure, the response displays an error type and message describing the error. Refer to the API Errors section below for additional information.

Version History

Available in API v4.0 or later.

Delete Picklist Value

Use this request to delete a value from an existing picklist in your vault.

CAUTION: This may break existing integrations that access picklist value via the API. When these attributes are changed, they affect all existing document and object metadata that refer to the picklist. For users in the UI who are accustomed to seeing a particular selection (picklist label), the changes may also cause confusion.

Method & Endpoint

Send a DELETE request to the /api/{VERSION}/objects/picklists/{NAME}/{PICKLIST_VALUE_NAME} endpoint.

Request Headers

  • JSON is the default response format (application/json).
  • To request an XML response, set the HTTP Request Header Accept to application/xml.

Request Parameters

  • {NAME} - The name of the existing picklist to which you're updating names (language__v, therapeutic_area__vs, regions__c, etc.).
  • {PICKLIST_VALUE_NAME} - The existing picklist value name which you are deleting (north_america__c=, central_america__c=, etc.).
  • To see all picklists configured in your vault, use the "Retrieve All Picklists" endpoint above.
  • To see all names and labels currently configured on an existing picklist, use the "Retrieve Picklist Values" endpoint above.

Example Request

$ curl -X DELETE -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \

Example Response

  "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
  "responseMessage": "Deleted picklist value.",
  "name": "north_america_united_states__c"

Possible Errors

On failure, the response displays an error type and message describing the error. Refer to the API Errors section below for additional information.

Version History

Available in API v4.0 or later.

Security Policies

The securitypolicies object contains the configured settings of secuirty policies of Veeva Vault. This API lets you retrieve the list of all configured policies as well as get details of a specified security policy.

Retrieve Security Policies

You can retrieve all user security policies by sending a GET request to the /api/{version}/objects/securitypolicies endpoint.

For example:

$ curl -X GET -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \


On success, Vault returns the list of configured security policies.


    "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "security_policies__v": [
            "name__v": "831",
            "label__v": "Basic",
            "value__v": ""
            "name__v": "871",
            "label__v": "SSO Policy",
            "value__v": ""


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Version History

Since: v3.0

Retrieve Security Policy

You can retrieve a specific user security policies by sending a GET request to the /api/{version}/objects/securitypolicies/{id} endpoint.

For example:

$ curl -X GET -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \


On success, Vault returns the details of the specified security policy.


    "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "responseMessage": "Success",
    "security_policy__v": {
        "policy_details__v": {
            "name__v": "831",
            "label__v": "Basic",
            "description__v": "A sample security policy.",
            "is_active__v": true
        "policy_security_settings__v": {
            "authentication_type__v": {
                "name__v": "Password",
                "label__v": "Password"
            "passwords_require_number__v": true,
            "passwords_require_uppercase_letter__v": true,
            "min_password_length__v": 8,
            "password_expiration__v": 90,
            "password_history_reuse__v": 5,
            "allow_delegated_auth_sfdc__v": true,
            "sfdc_org_id__v": "00De0000000D5CvEAK"


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Version History

Since: v3.0


The workflows object represents the actively running workflows in Veeva Vault. This API lets you retrieve the metadata of the object so it can be queried using the Query API.

Workflow Metadata

The workflows object consists of the following fields:

Field Description Type Comments
workflow_id__v Workflow ID id the ID of the workflow instance
workflow_document_id__v Document ID id the ID of the document associated with the workflow
workflow_document_major_version_number__v Document Major Version Number
workflow_document_minor_version_number__v Document Minor Version Number
workflow_name__v Workflow Name String ``
workflow_initiator__v Workflow Initiator ID ObjectReference the user ID of the user who initiated the workflow
workflow_initiatorName__v Workflow Initiator Name String the name of the user
workflow_status__v Workflow Status String allowable values are active, completed, cancelled
workflow_startDate__v Workflow Start Date DateTime
workflow_cancelationDate__v Workflow Cancellation Date DateTime only populated if workflow has been cancelled
workflow_completionDate__v Workflow Completion Date DateTime only populated if workflow is completed
workflow_dueDate__v Workflow Due Date Date only populated if a due date has been defined
workflow_duration__v Workflow Duration Number number of days
task_id__v Task ID id the ID of the task instance
task_name__v Task Name String the name of the task
task_asignee__v Task Assignee ID ObjectReference the ID of the user assigned to the task
task_asigneeName__v Task Assignee Name String the name of the user assigned to the task
task_status__v Task Status String available, assigned, completed, cancelled
task_assignmentDate__v Task Assignment Date DateTime the date the task was assigned to a user
task_cancelationDate__v Task Cancellation Date DateTime only populated if task has been cancelled
task_completionDate__v Task Completion Date DateTime only populated if task has been completed
task_creationDate__v Task Creation Date DateTime the date the task was created
task_dueDate__v Task Due Date Date task due date (if defined by the workflow originator)
task_duration__v Task Duration Number the number of days a task was active before it was completed (with fractions)
task_queueGroup__v Task Queue Group String populated only if the task was sent to a group
task_verdict__v Task Verdict String user-driven, defined during workflow admin
task_comment__v Task Comments String if entered, task comment entered by workflow actor

In addition, the values property will be filled out for the following workflow properties:

label values
workflow_name__v list of available workflow names within the vault
workflow_status__v list of possible workflow statuses across all workflows
task_name__v list of available task names across all workflows
task_queueGroup__v list of all groups specified as task owners across all workflow tasks
task_status__v list of task statuses across all tasks. Example list would be Assigned, Available, Canceled, Completed
task_verdict__v list of all available verdicts across all workflow tasks

Retrieve Workflow Metadata

You can retrieve the list of available properties for querying on workflows object in Vault by sending the GET request to the /api/{version}/metadata/objects/workflows endpoint.

For example:

$ curl -X GET -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \

This will mirror the data retrieved via workflow reporting.


On success, Vault returns the list of values that describes the workflows in the user's vault. Each array row contains the following:

Field Description
name the name of the workflow property
type the data type of the property (e.g. id, Date, DateTime, String, Number, ObjectReference, Picklist)
length length of the value (if type = String)
multivalue true or false
values provides array of available values, in the form "label:value" in the vault's workflows


On failure, the response will contain an error response. Refer to Errors section below for details.

Version History

Since: v4.0


Query API is used to construct simple but powerful queries to retrieve data from Vault. When a client application invokes the query call, it passes in a Vault Query Language (VQL) expression (a SQL-like query) that specifies the object to query, the fields to retrieve, and any conditions to qualify an object.

For detailed information, refer to the VQL Documentation.


The Vault response to every API call includes a field called responseStatus:

  • SUCCESS - The API request has been successfully processed.
  • FAILURE - The API request could not be processed because of API user error.
  • EXCEPTION - The API request could not be processed because of API system error.

For a responseStatus other than SUCCESS, API users can inspect another field in the response called errors. Each error includes the following fields:


  • The specific type of error, e.g., INVALID_DATA, PARAMETER_REQUIRED, etc.
  • These values are not subject to change for a given version of the API, even when newer versions of the API are available.
  • API users need to use the error type value in combination with the responseStatus value for error handling.
  • In other words, the type and responseStatus values ARE contractual parts for error handling.


  • The message accompanying each error type, e.g., Missing required parameter [{FIELD_NAME}].
  • When available, the error message includes the specific reason, e.g., {FIELD_NAME} for the error.
  • Other error messages provide more general reasons for each error.
  • These values are subject to change, even for past versions. They ARE NOT contractual parts for error handling. Developers should consider error messages for debugging and troubleshooting purposes only and should not implement application logic which relies on specific error strings or formatting.

For a responseStatus of SUCCESS, the errors field is either omitted or has a null value.


An unsuccessful authentication request due to password not provided:

    "responseStatus" : "FAILURE"**,
    "errors" : [
            "type" : "NO_PASSWORD_PROVIDED",
            "message" : "No password was provided for the login call."

Error Types

Type Description
UNEXPECTED_ERROR General error catch-all when there is no specific error, or an unidentified error.
MALFORMED_URL The specified resource cannot be found.
METHOD_NOT_SUPPORTED The specified resource does not support the (POST, PUT, GET, DELETE) method. Or, the API request is not supported by this version of API.
INACTIVE_USER User is inactive or not found.
NO_PASSWORD_PROVIDED No password was provided for the login call.
USERNAME_OR_PASSWORD_INCORRECT Authentication failed because an invalid username or password was provided.
PASSWORD_CHANGE_REQUIRED Password change required.
USER_LOCKED_OUT The user is locked out.
PASSWORD_CHANGE_REQUIRED Password change required.
INVALID_SESSION_ID Invalid session id provided.
PARAMETER_REQUIRED Missing required parameters in the API call.
INVALID_DATA Invalid data provided in the API call.
INSUFFICIENT_ACCESS User does not have sufficient privileges to perform the action.
OPERATION_NOT_ALLOWED Certain rules that must be met to perform this operation have not been met.
ATTRIBUTE_NOT_SUPPORTED The specified resource does not recognize provided attributes.
INVALID_FILTER Provided a non-existent filter to Retrieve Documents.
INCORRECT_QUERY_SYNTAX_ERROR Query string used with Query API has an incorrect query syntax.
RACE_CONDITION A rare condition where the same record is being simultaneously updated by another API call
EXCEEDS_FILE_MAX_SIZE The size of file uploaded exceeds the maximum allowed
API_LIMIT_EXCEEDED Vault limits the number of API calls that can be made every 5 minutes and every 24 hours. When either of these limits are reached, this error message is returned and no further calls will be processed until the next 5 minute or 24 hour period begins. The default limit every 5 minutes is 1000 or 2000 calls, depending on your vault. The default limit every 24 hours is 100,000 calls.
SDK_ERROR An error caused by the Vault Java SDK. This error may also include a custom subtype. For more information about this error, check the Debug Log. To inquire about Vault Java SDK Solutions, contact Veeva Services.

Backwards Compatibility

Although we do not change behavior in previous API versions, we may update and improve messages that accompany error responses. Error types will not change. Developers should consider error messages for debugging and troubleshooting purposes only and should not implement application logic which relies on specific error strings or formatting.


The Vault API respects the security and permissions of the user that is logged in.

  • The user will not be able to retrieve or query any document that they do not have access to through the API.
  • The user will not be able to modify, create, or delete any document that they do not have the permissions to through the security matrix.
  • The user will be shown metadata that is specific to the permissions set by property level security and the user's access. System administrators will be able to see properties that are hidden to them, but the metadata will reflect that with the hidden tag.