Developer Features in 22R3

We are pleased to bring you the following additions and enhancements to Developer Portal features in 22R3. REST API features added in 22R3 only affect API v22.3, unless otherwise noted.

REST API v22.3

New Endpoints

REST API Support for Delegated Sessions

Release Date: 22R2.3; September 23, 2022

With this feature, API users can execute Vault REST APIs using a delegated Vault session. To do this, we’ve introduced two new REST API endpoints:

GET /api/{version}/delegation/vaults

This new API returns all delegated Vaults where the Vault user with an active session has delegate access.

POST /api/{version}/delegation/login

This new API returns a delegated session ID when providing a valid Vault DNS, delegator ID, and the current user session ID. The delegated session can be used with any Vault REST API to execute API calls as a delegated user.

Multi-Record Workflows

Release Date: 22R2.3; September 23, 2022

This feature allows users to send multiple records on the same workflow. Admins may now define workflows that support up to 100 records of the same object.

Additionally, Admins may enable existing workflows to support multiple records. Similar to Document Workflow endpoints, Multi-Record Workflows will have endpoints to retrieve all workflows, retrieve details for an individual workflow, and initiate a workflow with multiple records. View these endpoints in the v22.3 API Reference.

Developers can also query multi-record workflows with VQL.

Notifications: Email Notification Status

Release Date: 22R2.3; September 23, 2022

With this feature, Admins can retrieve the delivery status and other attributes of email notifications sent by Vault, including archived email notifications.

GET /api/{version}/notifications/histories

View this endpoint in the v22.3 API Reference.

Existing Endpoints

Object Audit Trail API Filters

Release Date: 22R2.0.48; October 19, 2022

This feature adds the ability to filter the object audit trail admin API by events and objects. Both events and objects may be passed as a comma separated list with no spaces. The events parameters must be passed as they appear in CSV exports action columns, while objects parameters must be passed as names.

GET /api/{version}/audittrail/object_audit_trail

30 Minute Upgrades

Release Date: 22R2.4; October 14, 2022

When upgrades are scheduled for a Vault, API responses now include the X-VaultAPI-DowntimeExpectedDurationMinutes HTTP Response Header. The value is the length of time in minutes (for example, 30) that the Vault is expected to be unavailable.

Pre-Populated Values in Document Workflow Field Prompts

Release Date: 22R2.3; September 23, 2022

Vault now pre-populates document field values in Start and Task step field prompts and single verdict prompts in workflows on a single document. When requests to the Initiate Workflow Task Action API include keys for field prompts without values, Vault submits a blank field value on the document.

POST /api/{version}/objects/objectworkflows/tasks/{task_id}/actions/{task_action}

Scheduled Data Export Enhancements

Release Date: 22R2.3; September 23, 2022

With this feature, Scheduled Data Exports now:

Suppressing Attachment Renditions on Single/Bulk Document/Object Records

Release Date: 22R2.2; August 19, 2022

To reduce the load on the renditions server and to improve user experience, Vault now suppresses attachment renditions when creating single and multiple document and object records using the UI, Vault REST API, and Vault Java SDK.


Query Governor

Release Date: 22R2.3; September 23, 2022

To ensure Vault stability and performance, VQL now enforces constraints on expensive VQL queries. In this release, the FIND clause no longer supports leading wildcards. This change affects API v22.3+, and existing integrations are not affected.

Learn more about VQL performance.

HVO Lookup Fields

Release Date: 22R2.3; September 23, 2022

High volume objects (HVOs) now support lookup fields. This enhancement closes a feature gap that may have blocked customers from migrating objects with lookup fields to HVO. All lookup fields now include a new attribute called searchable. Lookup fields that are searchable support filtering and sorting. HVO lookup fields are searchable if the source field is indexed.

Vault Java SDK

Vault Java SDK Service Account

Release Dates:

The 22R2 release added the Run Custom Code as Java SDK Service Account setting to Admin > Settings > General Settings. This setting is not available in pre-release Vaults. If this setting is enabled in your Vault:

The Java SDK Service Account user appears in the Users & Groups Admin tab in all Vaults, but does not affect license counts.

In 22R2, this setting was off by default, but Admins could enable it from the General Settings page.

Default behavior for this setting will change as follows in upcoming releases:

Java SDK RecordService Upsert Support

Release Date: 22R2.3; September 23, 2022

This enhancement allows developers to use Vault Java SDK RecordService to batch upsert records by providing a unique field. Developers can now build integrations in SDK that do not need to query for existing records in the target Vault before creating and updating changes.

Java SDK Formula Field Support

Vault Java SDK now supports retrieving values from formula fields when working with RecordService or QueryService. Developers can now fully utilize formula fields in Vault Java SDK.

Jobs SDK: Retrieve Success and Errors for Tasks

Release Date: 22R2.2; August 19, 2022

This enhancement deprecates JobCompletionContext#getTasks() and replaces it with two new methods:

Learn more in the Javadocs.

Java SDK Latest Version Document Field Support

Release Date: 22R2.2; August 19, 2022

This enhancement allows developers to set value for an unbound document reference field with the Java SDK. With this enhancement, developers can now use the Java SDK to copy an object record that has a document reference field bound to the latest version.

Vault Java SDK Maven Plugin

Release Date: 22R2.2; August 19, 2022

Vault Maven Plugin v22.2.0 is now available. This plugin is Java-based and follows Vault best practices by packaging, importing, and deploying Vault Java SDK source code through the use of Maven build goals.

Learn more in the Vault Maven plugin repository.