MDL Overview

Use MDL (Metadata Definition Language) to manage Vault configuration. Like DDL (Data Definition Language) in databases, you can use MDL to create, describe (read), update, and drop (delete) Vault components that make up its configuration.

MDL is a powerful tool for manipulating components programmatically, but its primary use is automating tasks. While MDL mimics the behavior of Vault’s Admin UI, it is not intended for use as a default tool for basic configuration tasks or maintenance on an ongoing basis. To manage most standard configuration tasks, use the Admin UI.

MDL Commands

MDL uses CRUD-like commands to manage components for Vault. You can use the CREATE, RECREATE, RENAME, ALTER, and DROP commands to manage Vault configuration components. Use operators to define conditions for MDL command execution. Learn more in the MDL Commands documentation.

Vault Components

MDL provides access to component types, which are the configuration elements of a Vault. Vault groups component types by either metadata types (Picklist, Object, Docfield, etc.) which manage the configuration of a Vault, and code types (Recordtrigger, Documentaction, Recordaction, and Userdefinedclass) which extend the functional behavior of a Vault.

See Component Type References for details of each MDL supported Vault component type.


Some component types store data in additional child components, called subcomponents. For example, each section visible to users in a Searchcollection is stored as an individual Searchcollectionsection subcomponent record. Components have a parent-child relationship with their subcomponents, meaning that a subcomponent record must belong to a parent component record.

Deleting a component record with the DROP command also deletes any associated subcomponent records. With the exception of the component types listed below, inactivating a record by changing its active attribute value to false also inactivates any associated subcomponent records. Note that reactivating a parent component record does not reactivate its children.

Inactivating records of the following component types does not inactivate associated subcomponent records:


By default, MDL executes in the context of Vault’s base language. Vault Admins manage localizable attributes, including Java SDK custom Messages, using Vault’s translation tools.

Getting Started

While Vault’s REST APIs allow developers to manage Vault data, you can use Vault API to modify metadata and manage configurations for Vault.

This tutorial walks through the process of using MDL to modify configuration in Vault. You’ll use MDL to do the following:

To use and test out MDL, we recommend downloading our Postman collection and using a sandbox Vault, which is a copy of your production Vault. Learn more about Vault Sandboxes in Vault Help.

This collection allows you to execute the basic commands laid out in the steps below and verify the results in your Vault. Click the button below to import the collection into Postman.

Run in Postman

Execute MDL Commands

To execute a MDL command, send a POST request to the Execute MDL Script endpoint.

curl -X POST -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--data-binary @"mdl.txt" \

You can execute MDL commands one at a time or in a script. When executed as a script, MDL executes each command sequentially.

Step 1: Create a Picklist

You’ll first need to create a Picklist for your Vault. The following example creates a single Picklistentry in the Picklist component. Learn more about the MDL Picklist component.

  1. To create a picklist named vMDL Options, enter the following RECREATE command:

    RECREATE Picklist vmdl_options__c (
    label('vMDL Options'),
    Picklistentry hello_world__c(
      value('hello world'),
  2. Navigate to Business Admin > Picklists to confirm that the vMDL Options picklist exists in your Vault.

Step 2: Create an Object

Now that you’ve created a Picklist, you’re ready to create a Vault Object that uses the picklist. Learn more about the MDL Object component.

  1. Enter the following RECREATE command:

    RECREATE Object vmdl_hello_world__c (
    label('vMDL Hello World'),
    label_plural('vMDL Hello World'),
    description("This is sample object created for the MDL 'Getting Started' guide."),
    Field option__c(
  2. Log in to your Vault.

  3. Navigate to Business Admin > Objects to confirm that the vMDL Hello World object exists in your Vault.

Step 3: Create an Object Record

Now that you’ve created the necessary components, you’ll want to create a vMDL Hello World object record in your Vault.

You can do this with the Postman collection or manually in the Admin UI.

  1. Log into your Vault.

  2. Navigate to Business Admin > Objects > vMDL Hello World.

  3. Click Create.

  4. Enter a Name for the object record.

  5. Select hello world from the Option picklist.

  6. Click Save.

Step 4: Alter the Object and Picklist

Next, you’ll use a single statement to modify both the Object and Picklist simultaneously.

  1. Enter an ALTER command to add a second picklist entry and modify the initial entry. You should manually enter a value before running the MDL command for the new picklist entry’s value.

    ALTER Picklist vmdl_options__c (
    label('vMDL Options'),
    MODIFY Picklistentry hello_world__c(
      value('Hello World.'),
    ADD Picklistentry hello_worldv2__c(
      value('ENTER ANY VALUE'),

  2. Use the ALTER command to add four new object fields.

    ALTER Object vmdl_hello_world__c (
    ADD Field hello1__c(
      label('Hello 1'),
    ADD Field hello2__c(
      label('Hello 2'),
    ADD Field hello3__c(
      label('Hello 3'),
    ADD Field hello4__c(
      label('Hello 4'),

Step 5: Create an Object Record with New Fields

Return to your Vault to create a new vMDL Hello World record. You will see the new picklist entry options as well as the four new fields on the object record.

You can do this with the Postman collection or manually in the Admin UI.

  1. Log into your Vault.

  2. Navigate to Business Admin > Objects > vMDL Hello World.

  3. Click Create.

  4. Fill in the record information: Name, Hello 1 - 4, and Options fields.

  5. Click Save.

Step 6: Delete the Object Records

Now that you have created vMDL Hello World records with the original and altered fields, you can delete the object records.

  1. Log in to your Vault.

  2. Navigate to Business Admin > Objects > vMDL Hello World.

  3. From the Actions menu, click Delete.

Step 7: Drop Picklist and Object Components

To delete both the object and picklist components, use the DROP command. Note that you must delete the object records to delete the components.

DROP Object vmdl_hello_world__c;
DROP Picklist vmdl_options__c;

Common Uses

Use MDL when Vault requires configuration changes across multiple components. Since you can implement MDL commands in a script, you can either execute multiple commands sequentially or within a single script.

See some of the common use cases below:

Project Description
Alter multiple components Use the ALTER command to manipulate multiple components such as Object field values, Picklist values, Docfields, or Notificationtemplates
Migrate Component Configuration Automate migration or synchronization of specific components programmatically.
Access Control Use the the MDL commands to automatically manage security related components such as Atomicsecurityand Sharingrule.

Alter Multiple Components

This example walks through updating the subject attribute on multiple Notification Templates. The Notificationtemplate MDL components contain the subject attribute. We can update it across multiple components at once by executing the following MDL commands:


curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: {vaultSessionId}' \
  -d 'ALTER Notificationtemplate my_template1__c (
   subject('\''Subject 1"'\'')

ALTER Notificationtemplate my_template2__c (
   subject('\''Subject 2"'\'')


    "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "script_execution": {
        "code": "GEN-S-0",
        "message": "OK",
        "warnings": 0,
        "failures": 0,
        "exceptions": 0,
        "components_affected": 1,
        "execution_time": 0.065
    "statement_execution": [
            "vault": "",
            "statement": 1,
            "command": "ALTER",
            "component": "Notificationtemplate.my_template1__c",
            "message": "[SUCCESS] ALTER Notificationtemplate my_template1__c",
            "response": "SUCCESS"
            "vault": "",
            "statement": 2,
            "command": "ALTER",
            "component": "Notificationtemplate.my_template2__c",
            "message": "[SUCCESS] ALTER Notificationtemplate my_template2__c",
            "response": "SUCCESS"

The execution response produces both script level execution details as well as statement level details. If an error occurs, the detailed report of errors will also appear in the result. Everything before the error will have succeeded and be available in the Vaults; everything after will not run.

Migrate Component Configuration

Vault’s Admin UI provides a very robust way for configuration migration using VPK packages. You can also create your own VPKs to perform a specific set of changes. However, it may be necessary to automate migration or synchronization of certain components programmatically. For successful migration, it is necessary to first describe the component on the source Vault and generate a RECREATE command. You can execute this command on the target Vault.

Let’s again use Notification Template as an example. We will migrate my_template1__c from a source Vault to a target Vault.

First generate a RECREATE command on a source Vault. Ensure that the session ID used to authenticate the API call is generated by authenticating to the source Vault.


curl -X GET \
  https://{sourceVault} \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: {sourceVaultSessionId}'

This generates a RECREATE command for Notificationtemplate.my_template_1__c

RECREATE Notificationtemplate my_template_1__c (
   label('My Template 1'),
   subject('My Subject'),
   notification('My notification test'),
   email_body('My email body'),

You can then execute this command on the target Vault using the session ID generated from authenticating to the target Vault.

curl -X POST \
  https://{targetVault} \
  -H 'Accept: application/json' \
  -H 'Authorization: {sourceVaultSessionId}' \
  -d 'RECREATE Notificationtemplate my_template_1__c (
   label('My Template 1'),
   subject('My Subject'),
   notification('My notification test'),
   email_body('My email body'),

Access Control

For access control, you can automatically create, update, and delete various security related components. You can use the MDL to configure this programmatically by writing code to retrieve information from a Vault and apply the changes.

This is useful when it’s necessary to generate or manage a large number of security components within a Vault or between Vaults. If you only need to modify a single object or document’s security, use the Admin UI functionality. This example walks through managing the Atomicsecurity component to hide system fields, such as Created Date and Last Modified Date, from users in the Viewer role while granting Read access on system fields for all other roles. We will configure this same behavior across all objects and lifecycle states and modify the following on a single object:

RECREATE Atomicsecurity component_name__c (
   label('Test Object 1-Test Object Lifecy-Active'),
   Fieldsecurity viewer__v.hide__v.field_security__c(

RECREATE Atomicsecurity component_name (
   label('Test Object 1-Test Object Lifecy-Inactive'),
   Fieldsecurity viewer__v.hide__v.field_security__c(

RECREATE Atomicsecurity component_name (
   label('Test Object 1-Test Object Lifecy-Test'),
   Fieldsecurity viewer__v.hide__v.field_security__c(

Convert Long Text to Rich Text

Using MDL, you can migrate custom Long Text fields to Rich Text fields. This is a permanent, one-way migration that cannot be undone.

The long text value is converted as plain text, even if the long text field contains valid HTML. For your new rich text field to render HTML markup, you must re-enter the value.

ALTER Object object_name__c (
    MODIFY Field field_name__c(

Long text fields used in reference lookups cannot be converted to rich text.

MDL Commands

If you’re familiar with commands used in DDL (Data Definition Language), you should recognize MDL commands since they share some of the same imperative verb commands: CREATE, DROP, ALTER, etc. With DDL, you typically use these commands to manage database tables. With MDL, the same general idea applies for adding, changing, or deleting components to modify Vault’s configuration metadata.


create_statement =
  "CREATE" component_type_name component_name "("
    [ { create_definition "," } ] create_definition
    [ { sub_component_create_statement "," } ] sub_component_create_statement

sub_component_create_statement =
  sub_component_type_name [ component_name "."] sub_component_name "("
    [ { create_definition "," } ] create_definition

create_definition =
  attrbitute_name "(" attribute_value ")";

The CREATE command creates an MDL component in Vault. The name must be unique and the command fails if the another record in that component already exists with the same name.

If a component type allows for sub-components, you can create the sub-components as part of the same command.

CREATE Mycomponent my_comp__c (

  Mysubcomponent my_subcomp__c (


recreate_statement =
    "RECREATE" component_type_name component_name "("
        [ { create_definition "," } ] create_definition
        [ { sub_component_create_statement "," } ] sub_component_create_statement

sub_component_create_statement =
    sub_component_type_name [ component_name "."] sub_component_name "("
        [ { create_definition "," } ] create_definition

create_definition =
    attrbitute_name "(" attribute_value ")";

The RECREATE is an upsert command that either creates or alters an MDL component in Vault. RECREATE will create a new component if it doesn’t already exist or will alter a component if the component with the same name already exists.

If a component type allows for sub-components, the sub-components can be recreated as part of the same command.

RECREATE Mycomponent my_comp__c (

  Mysubcomponent my_subcomp__c (

Upon any failure, Vault returns detailed error messages.

See Retrieve Component Record (MDL) in the Vault API Reference for details on how to generate a RECREATE command for a component in your Vault. To retrieve metadata of a specific component record as XML or JSON, see Retrieve Component Record (XML/JSON).


drop_statement =
  "DROP" component_type_name component_name ";";

The DROP command deletes the component type from Vault.

DROP Mycomponent my_comp__c;

Upon any failure, Vault returns detailed error messages.


rename_statement =
  "RENAME" component_type_name from_component_name "TO" to_component_name ";";

The RENAME command renames the component. You can only rename custom components, component with a in a __c, namespace such as my_product__c. The command returns an error if a component with the same name already exists.

RENAME Mycomponent my_comp__c TO my_new_comp__c;

Upon any failure, Vault returns detailed error messages.


alter_statement =
  "ALTER" component_type_name component_name "("
    alter_body |
rename_subcomponent_body |
modify_subcomponent_body |
add_subcomponent_body |

alter_body =
[ { add_drop_attribute_definition "," } ] add_drop_attribute_definition;

rename_subcomponent_body =
  "RENAME" subcomponent_type_name [ component_name "."] from_subcomponent_name
"TO" [ component_name "."] to_subcomponent_name ";";

modify_subcomponent_body =
  "MODIFY" subcomponent_type_name [ component_name "."] subcomponent_name "("
    [ { add_drop_attribute_definition "," } ] add_drop_attribute_definition

add_subcomponent_body =
  "ADD" subcomponent_type_name [ component_name "."] subcomponent_name "("
    [ { attribute_definition "," } ] attribute_definition

drop_subcomponent_body =
  "DROP" subcomponent_type_name [ component_name "."] subcomponent_name ";";

add_drop_attribute_definition =
  attrbitute_name [ADD | DROP] "(" attribute_value ")";

attribute_definition =
  attrbitute_name "(" attribute_value ")";

The ALTER command modifies an MDL component in Vault.

If a component allows for sub-components, you can ADD, MODIFY, or DROP the sub-components as part of the same command.

ALTER Mycomponent my_comp__c (
  my_multi_value_attribute ADD (5, 6),
  my_multi_value_attribute DROP (8),

  ADD Mysubcomponent my_subcomp__c (
  DROP Mysubcomponent my_subcomp2__c;

MODIFY Mysubcomponent my_subcomp3__c (

  RENAME Mysubcomponent my_subcomp4__c TO my_subcomp5__c;

You can call multiple sub-commands as part of the ALTER command.

For multi-value attributes, you can use the ADD command to add a new set of values, and use the DROP command to remove a subset of values. Some multi-value attributes do not support the use of the ADD command and the DROP command within the same ALTER command. See the Component Support Matrix for details. If assigning a multi-value attribute to a value or set of values without an ADD or DROP command, MDL replaces all values in the attribute with the specified list.

Upon any failure, Vault returns detailed error messages.

Multi-Value Attributes

Some components types allow you to set a list of values for certain attributes. Values should be separated by a comma (,) for example:

RECREATE Docfieldlayout general__c (
   label('General Section'),

These attributes will have multi_value set to true and a value set for ordered in the metadata for the component type. If ordered is set to true, then the order of items in the list has an impact on the behavior of the component.

When you add a value to a multi-value attribute using an ADD command within an ALTER command, Vault appends the new value to the end of the list. The example below appends Docfield.my_field__c to the end of the fields list from the example above.

ALTER Docfieldlayout general__c (
fields ADD ('Docfield.my_field__c')

MDL Operators

Use operators to apply conditions to MDL commands.

Logical Operators

You can create MDL scripts that check to see whether or not a component or subcomponent record meets certain conditions before executing a command.

Operator Syntax Description
IF EXISTS ALTER component_type_name IF EXISTS component_name If the component type exists, execute the MDL command.
IF NOT EXISTS RECREATE component_type_name IF NOT EXISTS component_name If the component type does not exist, execute the MDL command.


Use the IF EXISTS operator to skip processing if a component or subcomponent does not already exist in the target Vault.

RECREATE Object IF EXISTS my_object__c (
   label('My Updated Label'),
   label_plural('My Updated Labels'),


Use the IF NOT EXISTS operator to skip processing if a component or subcomponent already exists in the target Vault.

RECREATE Picklist IF NOT EXISTS my_picklist__c (
   label('My Picklist'),
   Picklistentry my_first_entry__c(
     value('Entry 1'),
  Picklistentry my_second_entry__c(
     value('Entry 2'),

The same MDL script can contain both IF EXISTS and IF NOT EXISTS operators.

ALTER Object IF EXISTS my_object__c (
   ADD Field IF NOT EXISTS my_field__c (
       label('My Field'),

About Vault Components

MDL Components are instances of MDL Component Types and contain specific configuration details. For example a Component Type Docfield has a Component instance Docfield.country__v.

Metadata Component Types

Metadata component types represent specific elements of Vault’s configuration. For example, the Docfield metadata component type relates to the Documents object.

You cannot delete a component with a standard namespace and can only make certain changes, for example, updating the label.

Code Component Types

Code components, such as Recordtrigger, contain Java SDK code which extends functional behavior of Vault.

Component Type Names

Component type names are case-sensitive and follow a convention of a capitalized first letter with no spaces or special characters. For example, Objectlifecycle is the component type name for Object Lifecycle.

Component Names

Every component has a name which must be unique within the context of that component type.

Subcomponents must have a name which is unique within context of the parent component and the subcomponent type.

Names are lower-case, snake_cased and are suffixed by a double underscore (__) followed by a namespace. Names must be 40 characters or fewer excluding the double underscore and namespace.


The namespace of a component determines the owner of the component, for example, the namespace of country__v is __v which is the Veeva standard namespace. Custom components have the __c suffix. Learn about Namespace in Vault Help.

You cannot delete a component with a standard namespace and can only make certain changes such as updating the label.

Code Component Namespace

Code component names are defined by their fully-qualified Java class name. A fully-qualified Java class name includes the class name prefixed by the package name. In Vault, the package name can be com.veeva.vault.custom.{} for custom Java SDK code or com.veeva.vault.{AppName} for standard system Java SDK code.

For example, a Recordtrigger HelloWorld Java SDK class exists in the com.veeva.vault.custom.triggers package. This would be described with MDL as

Components with Content

Some components contain binary and significantly larger content which requires a separate process to migrate and reference. The following components include content:

To manage components with content, use a POST command to send a request to the api/mdl/files endpoint. See MDL API Reference.

Subcomponent Reference

This allows you to define subcomponent references in a standard way by reducing repeated effort and providing a consistent behavior.

Managing Subcomponent References

Provide valid references to subcomponents as values for component reference attributes with subcomponent types. Use the following format for the value for the attribute type with a subcomponent reference type:



CREATE Checklistmapping example __c (


Component Directory

The component directory de-normalizes component records into a single queryable data object named vault_component__v. Each component in a Vault will have a record in this object.

This enables Admins to use Vault Query Language (VQL) to query for all components or for specific components and to additionally verify when a component has been modified.

The vault_component__v object includes the following fields of interest:

Name Description
component_name__v The API name of the component.
component_type__v The component type of the component.
name__v The label of the component.
checksum__v The checksum of the component.
modified_date__v The date & time the component metadata was last modified.

You can retrieve all available fields using the api/{{version}}/metadata/vobjects/vault_component__v API endpoint.

Querying Components

To execute a VQL query, send a GET or POST request to the api/{version}/query endpoint. See Vault Query Language Reference

For example, to retrieve component records from a Vault:


curl -X POST -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \
-d ‘q=SELECT name__v, component_name__v, component_type__v,modified_date__v,checksum__v from vault_component__v


    "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "responseDetails": {
        "limit": 1000,
        "offset": 0,
        "size": 847,
        "total": 847
    "data": [
            "name__v": "Binder Section with Document",
            "component_name__v": "binder_section_with_document__v",
            "component_type__v": "Reporttype",
            "modified_date__v": "2018-11-13T18:28:02.000Z",
            "checksum__v": "b5f5bfc400fbce76824b5ff1ec574891"
            "name__v": "My Formatted Output",
            "component_name__v": "my_formatted_output__c",
            "component_type__v": "Formattedoutput",
            "modified_date__v": "2019-03-22T19:58:16.000Z",
            "checksum__v": "a89e4dad5d4b2dada2868fe35d561e81"

The following example query retrieves Object components only:


curl -X POST -H "Authorization: {SESSION_ID}" \
-d ‘q=SELECT name__v, component_name__v, component_type__v,modified_date__v,checksum__v from vault_component__v where component_type__v = 'Object'


    "responseStatus": "SUCCESS",
    "responseDetails": {
        "limit": 1000,
        "offset": 0,
        "size": 70,
        "total": 70
    "data": [
            "name__v": "Campaign",
            "component_name__v": "campaign__c",
            "component_type__v": "Object",
            "modified_date__v": "2019-02-04T12:15:34.000Z",
            "checksum__v": "6a7ccf0b3b4a17afb9d2036c7be9fdaf"
            "name__v": "vMDL Hello World",
            "component_name__v": "vmdl_hello_world__c",
            "component_type__v": "Object",
            "modified_date__v": "2019-03-18T15:47:25.000Z",
            "checksum__v": "d587ae806ce06ca42dfa0207137099d6"

XML String Configuration

XML String type attributes contain complex data defining page layouts, lifecycles and workflows, and more. In most cases, direct modification of XML is not supported or recommended, and you should instead create or modify components through the Vault Admin UI. In rare cases, you can only modify a component by updating an attribute’s XML.

To modify an existing component, we recommend using Vault API’s Retrieve Component Record (MDL) endpoint to generate a RECREATE command, then modifying the existing XML for an attribute as needed. When finished, paste the modified RECREATE command into the body of an Execute MDL Script request.

Creating Web Sections

Web sections add iframes containing external content to the layout of an object record detail page. Web sections can only be created using MDL.

Web sections are defined in the page_markup attribute of a Pagelayout component. To create a new object page layout containing a web section, we recommend first creating the layout in the Vault Admin UI, then adding the web section to the existing page_markup XML as shown in the example below.

Web Section Elements

Value Description
vault:section Defines a section on an object detail page layout.
vault:websection Defines a web section within a section tag.

Section Attributes

Value Description
title The section title as it appears in the UI. For example, “Product Website”.
name The name of the section. For example, product_website__c.

Websection Attributes

Value Description
is_post_session Boolean. If true, Vault sends the current user’s session credentials to the target URL. The default value is false.
section_height The height, in pixels, of the iframe embedded in the web section. For example, 500px. Must be between 40 and 730. The default value is 150px.
view_mode_url The URL Vault will display in the web section when the object record page is in view mode. Must follow HTTPS protocol.
edit_mode_url Optional: The URL Vault will display in the web section when the object record page is in edit mode. Must follow HTTPS protocol. If omitted, Vault hides this section in edit mode.

About URL Tokens

You can add tokens to both the view mode and edit mode URLs. Tokens pass information about a user or Vault to the target URL. Web sections support the following tokens:

Token Description
${} The id of the currently logged-in user. See Retrieve User in the Vault API Reference for details.
${User.name__v} The user_name__v of the currently logged-in user. See Retrieve User in the Vault API Reference for details.
${User.email__v} The user_email__v of the currently logged-in user. See Retrieve User in the Vault API Reference for details.
${Vault.domain} The vaultDNS of the Vault containing the web section. See Retrieve Domain Information in the Vault API Reference for details.
${Vault.domain_type} The domain_type__v of the Vault containing the web section. See Retrieve Domain Information in the Vault API Reference for details.
${} The vault_id__v of the Vault containing the web section. See Retrieve Domain Information in the Vault RESTReference for details.

Additionally, you can create dynamic tokens using any object fields that can be used in a Text type formula field. Learn more about tokens in Vault Help.

You must escape the { and } characters when adding tokens to a URL for a web section. For example:$\{\}

Web Section Example

In this example, we’ll add a web section to the page layout of all My Object records. Currently, My Object pages contain one detail form section, which is named Details. The Details section contains two fields, Name and Status, and appears as shown below in the Vault UI.

Retrieve MDL

The following request retrieves page layout metadata for My Object records as MDL. You can retrieve component record metadata using the Retrieve Component Record (MDL) endpoint:

GET /api/mdl/components/Pagelayout.my_object_detail_page_layout__c


RECREATE Pagelayout my_object_detail_page_layout__c (
    label('My Object Detail Page Layout'),
        <vault:page xmlns:vault="VeevaVault" controller="Objecttype.my_object__c.base__v">
            <vault:section title="Details" name="details__c">
                <vault:detailform type="One-Column">
                    <vault:field reference="name__v" />
                    <vault:field reference="status__v" />

Web Section XML

Use the following template to add a web section. See Websection Attributes for more information.

<vault:section title="{section title}" name="{section_name__c}">
<vault:websection is_post_session="{true or false}" section_height="{height in px}" view_mode_url="{}" edit_mode_url="{}" />

Paste your XML into the RECREATE command generated in the previous step in the place you want it to appear. For example, to make a section appear first on the page, place the XML on the line following the <vault:page> tag. To place it after another section, paste the text on the line following that section’s </vault:section> tag.

The <vault:section> and </vault:section> tags must be within the <vault:page> and </vault:page> tags and must not be within another section’s <vault:section> and </vault:section> tags.

Adding the Web Section

Use the Vault REST API’s Execute MDL Script endpoint to execute your RECREATE command.

POST /api/mdl/execute

In this example, we’ll add a web section called References after the Details section and configure it to display this reference.

RECREATE Pagelayout my_object_detail_page_layout__c (
    label('My Object Detail Page Layout'),
        <vault:page xmlns:vault="VeevaVault" controller="Objecttype.my_object__c.base__v">
            <vault:section title="Details" name="details__c">
                <vault:detailform type="One-Column">
                    <vault:field reference="name__v" />
                    <vault:field reference="status__v" />
            <vault:section title="References" name="references__c">
                <vault:websection is_post_session="false" section_height="500px" view_mode_url="" />


Detail pages for My Object records now include a web section as shown below.

Attributes Data Types

Vault components and subcomponents use attribute values for their configuration.

MDL attributes use the following data types:

Data Type Description Validation Example
String Can contain letters, numbers, and spaces. Must be wrapped in single quotes ('). Maximum number of characters allowed is defined as max_length on the attribute metadata attribute('This is a String')
Boolean Can have two values: true and false attribute(true)
Number Contains digits. Maximum value defined as max_value on the attribute metadata. Minimum value defined as min_value on the attribute metadata. Max number of decimal places defined as scale on the attribute metadata attribute(1234)
Component A reference to a component in the Vault. Component type is defined as component on the attribute metadata attribute('Doctype.my_special_doctype__c')
Enum A value from a list of predefined values sorted in the order you entered them. Allowed values list defined as enums on the attribute metadata attribute('Red')
XMLString Complex data in XML format The specified values bust be wrapped in curly brackets ({}). The framework validates XML structure only (not the content). Vault returns the GEN-F***-II-1056 error code if invalid. Maximum number of characters allowed is defined as max_length on the attribute metadata attribute({<xml>Some XML</xml>})
LongString A Long Text field Maximum number of characters allowed is defined as max_length on the attribute metadata attribute('...')
SdkCode Some Java SDK source code. Must be wrapped in a <VeevaData> node. attribute(<VeevaData>...<VeevaData>)
Expression A formula. Maximum number of characters allowed is defined as max_length on the attribute metadata attribute([field__c='abc'])
File A reference to a binary configuration file. attribute('bc17a630e6493266d5f629460c91748c')


Each Vault API response includes a field called responseStatus for the overall status of the request. In addition, the status of each statement is returned in the response field for each statement_execution item. Possible values are:

For a status other than SUCCESS, users can inspect the errors field of statement_execution in the response:


    "responseStatus": "FAILURE",
    "script_execution": {
        "code": "GEN-F-401",
        "message": "Script execution failed",
        "warnings": 0,
        "failures": 1,
        "exceptions": 0,
        "components_affected": 0,
        "execution_time": 0.1
    "statement_execution": [
            "vault": "",
            "statement": 1,
            "command": "CREATE",
            "component": "Picklist.color__c",
            "message": "[FAILURE] CREATE Picklist color__c",
            "response": "FAILURE",
            "errors": [
                    "line": 1,
                    "message": "Component already exists with attribute [name], value [color__c]",
                    "context": "name",
                    "code": "GEN-FCRE-II-1007"


The authenticated user must be granted access to Vault API and have permission to perform the action requested.

Component Support Matrix

Component Type CREATE RECREATE ALTER DROP RENAME Describe Generate
Appsecurityrule X § § X X
Atomicsecurity X
Customwebapi X X X X X X X
Dashboard ✓** ✓** ✓**/† X
Docfield X
Docfielddependency X
Docfieldlayout X
Docinfopanel X X X X X X
Doclifecycle ✓** ✓** ✓**/† X X X
Docmatchingrule X
Docparticipantrule X
Docrelationshiptype ✓** ✓** ✓** X
Doctype X
Documentaction X X X X X X X X
Emailprocessor X X X X X X X
Formattedoutput X
Job X
Layoutrule X
Link X
Matchingrule X
Messagedeliveryeventhandler X X X X X X X
Mobiletab X ✓* X X
Notificationtemplate †† X
Object *** X
Objectaction X X
Objectlifecycle ✓** ✓** ✓**/† X
Objecttype X
Objectvalidation X
Objectworkflow ✓** ✓** ✓**/† X
Outboundemaildomain X
Pagelayout ✓** ✓** ✓** X X
Pagelink X
Permissionset X X
Picklist X
Qmsautomationusertemplate X
Qualityreasonforchange X
Qualityrecordcheckinsight X
Qualityteam X
Recordaction X X X X X X X X
Recordmergeeventhandler X X X X X X X
Recordroletrigger X X X X X X X
Recordtrigger X X X X X X X
Recordworkflowaction X X X X X X X X
Renditionprofile X
Renditiontype X
Report ✓** ✓** X
Reporttype ✓** ✓** ✓** X
Savedview X X X
Sdkjob X X X X X X X
Securityprofile X
Sharingrule X
Tab X
Tag X
Tagsecurityrule X § § X X
Userdefinedclass X X X X X X X
Userdefinedmodel X X X X X X X
Userdefinedservice X X X X X X X
Vaulttoken X
Workflow X X X X X X X


Icon Description
MDL Operation is supported.
✓* MDL operation is supported for existing components but cannot be used to create new components.
✓** MDL Operation is supported, but the Component Type contains field(s) that use proprietary XML. Direct modification of the XML is not supported or recommended. Instead, creating and/or updating the component is better suited through the Admin UI.
MDL Operation may not be supported for some multi-value attributes.
†† MDL Operation is supported for custom components but is not supported for system components.
X MDL Operation is not supported.
*** Operation is supported through /api/{{version}}/metadata/vobjects endpoint only.
§ MDL Operation is supported only to create or alter custom subcomponents.